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UE3:Actor (UDK)
Object >> Actor |
- 1 Constants
- 2 Properties
- 3 Enums
- 4 Structs
- 5 Functions
- 5.1 Static native functions
- 5.1.1 BP2Vect
- 5.1.2 DrawDebugBox
- 5.1.3 DrawDebugCone
- 5.1.4 DrawDebugCoordinateSystem
- 5.1.5 DrawDebugCylinder
- 5.1.6 DrawDebugLine
- 5.1.7 DrawDebugPoint
- 5.1.8 DrawDebugSphere
- 5.1.9 DrawDebugStar
- 5.1.10 DrawDebugString
- 5.1.11 FlushDebugStrings
- 5.1.12 FlushPersistentDebugLines
- 5.1.13 GetBasedPosition
- 5.1.14 GetPackageGuid
- 5.1.15 SetBasedPosition
- 5.1.16 Vect2BP
- 5.2 Other static functions
- 5.3 Iterator functions
- 5.4 Latent functions
- 5.5 Native functions
- 5.6 Events
- 5.7 Other instance functions
- 5.1 Static native functions
- Package:
- Engine
- Known classes within Actor:
- NavigationHandle
- Direct subclasses:
- Brush, Camera, CameraActor, Controller, CrowdAgent, CrowdAgentBase, CrowdAttractor, CrowdReplicationActor, DecalActorBase, DecalManager, DroppedPickup, DynamicSMActor, Emitter, EmitterPool, FluidInfluenceActor, FluidSurfaceActor, FracturedStaticMeshActor, FractureManager, GameCrowdInteractionPoint, GameCrowdReplicationActor, GameExplosionActor, HUD, Info, Inventory, InventoryManager, KAsset, Keypoint, LensFlareSource, Light, MaterialInstanceActor, MatineeActor, NavigationPoint, NavMeshObstacle, Note, NxForceField, ParticleEventManager, Pawn, PhysAnimTestActor, PhysXDestructiblePart, PrefabInstance, Projectile, PylonSeed, RadialBlurActor, RigidBodyBase, SceneCaptureActor, SkeletalMeshActor, SpeedTreeActor, SplineActor, StaticMeshActorBase, StaticMeshActorBasedOnExtremeContent, Trigger, UTAvoidMarker, UTCarriedObject, UTGib, UTJumpBootEffect, UTLinkBeamLight, UTVehicleBoostPad, UTWeaponAttachment, UTWeaponShield, VehicleMovementEffect, GameCrowdPopulationManager
- This class in other games:
- RTNP, U1, UT, UE2Runtime, UT2003, U2, UT2004, U2XMP, UT3
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Actor: The base class of all actors. Actor is the base class of all gameplay objects. A large number of properties, behaviors and interfaces are implemented in Actor, including:
- Display - Animation - Physics and world interaction - Making sounds - Networking properties - Actor creation and destruction - Actor iterator functions - Message broadcasting
List of extra trace flags:
Value: 1
Value: 2
Return if a PhysicsVolume is hit.
Value: 4
Skip all Movers.
Value: 8
Value: 16.0f
when bReplicateRigidBodyLocation is true, the root body of a ragdoll will be replicated but this is not entirely accurate (and isn't meant to be) as the other bodies in the ragdoll may interfere this can then result in jittering from the client constantly trying to apply the replicated value so if the client's error is less than this amount from the replicated value, it will be ignored.
Value: 0.7
Minimum z value for floor normal (if less, not a walkable floor).
Value: 35.0
Max height floor walking actor can step up to.
Value: 10.0
Value: 1000.0
Value: 0x00
Not set, empty.
Value: 0x01
If bNewData & RB_NeedsUpdate != 0 then an update is needed.
Value: 0x02
if bNewData & RB_Sleeping != 0 then this RigidBody needs to sleep.
Property group 'Advanced'[edit]
Type: bool
If true, texture streaming code iterates over all StaticMeshComponents found on this actor when building texture streaming information.
Type: bool
Snap to grid in editor.
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Is hidden within the editor at its startup.
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Is hidden by the group browser.
Type: bool
Prevent the actor from being moved in the editor.
Type: float
When the actor is TickFrequencyDecreaseDistanceEnd from the player, tick at this frequency (in seconds, bigger is less frequent ticks). If this is 0, no decrease in frequency will occur.
Property group 'Attachment'[edit]
Type: Actor
Modifiers: const
Actor we're standing on.
Type: name
Type: SkeletalMeshComponent
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
Type: bool
Type: bool
If TRUE, BaseSkelComponent is used as the shadow parent for this actor.
Property group 'Collision'[edit]
Type: bool
If TRUE, PHYS_Walking will attempt to step up onto this object when it hits it.
Default value: True
Type: bool
Ignore Simple Collision on Static Meshes, and collide per Poly.
Type: bool
Modifiers: const, transient
mirrored copy of CollisionComponent's BlockRigidBody for the Actor property window for LDs (so it's next to CollisionType) purely for editing convenience and not used at all by the physics code.
Type: bool
For encroachers, don't do the overlap check when they move. You will not get touch events for this actor moving, but it is much faster. So if you want touch events from volumes or triggers you need to set this to be FALSE. This is an optimisation for large numbers of PHYS_RigidBody actors for example.
Type: bool
this actor should collide (if bWorldGeometry && bBlockActors is true) during path building (ignored if bStatic is true, as actor will always collide during path building).
Type: bool
If true, do a zero-extent trace each frame from old to new Location when in PHYS_RigidBody. If it hits the world (ie might be tunneling), call FellOutOfWorld.
Type: PrimitiveComponent
Modifiers: editconst
Type: ECollisionType
Modifiers: const, transient
enum for LDs to select collision options - sets Actor flags and that of our CollisionComponent via PostEditChange().
Default value: COLLIDE_NoCollision
Property group 'Debug'[edit]
Type: bool
Property group 'Display'[edit]
Type: bool
Modifiers: const
If this is True, all PrimitiveComponents of the actor are hidden. If this is false, only PrimitiveComponents with HiddenGame=True are hidden.
Type: float
Modifiers: const, interp
Scaling factor, 1.0=normal size.
Default value: 1.0
Type: Object.Vector
Modifiers: const, interp
Scaling vector, (1.0,1.0,1.0)=normal size.
Default value:
Member | Value |
X | 1.0 |
Y | 1.0 |
Z | 1.0 |
Type: Object.Vector
Modifiers: const
Offset from box center for drawing.
Property group 'Movement'[edit]
Type: Object.Vector
Modifiers: const
Actor's location; use Move or SetLocation to change.
Type: EPhysics
Modifiers: const
Type: Object.Rotator
Modifiers: const
The actor's rotation; use SetRotation to change.
Type: Object.Rotator
Change in rotation per second.
Type: bool
indicates that this Actor can dynamically block AI paths.
Property group 'Object'[edit]
Type: name
Type: name
Actor's tag name.
Property group 'Physics'[edit]
Type: bool
Whether this actor will interact with fluid surfaces or not.
Default value: True
Internal variables[edit]
See Actor enums.
See Actor structs.
Static native functions[edit]
This will take the BasedPosition passed and return a Vector for it.
Draw a debug box.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
Draw a debug cone.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
Draw Debug coordinate system.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
Draw a debug cylinder.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
Draw a debug line.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
Draw a debug point.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
Draw a debug sphere.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
Draw a debug box.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
Draw Debug string in the world.
Note: This is slow. Use for debugging only.
- TextLocation - location the string should be drawn (NOTE: if base actor is non-null this will be treated as an offset from that actor)
- Text - text to draw
- TestBaseActor - optional) - actor the string should be attached to (none if it should be static)
- Color - optional) - the color of the text to draw
- Duration - optional) - the duration the text should stick around; defauls to forever
Clear all debug strings.
Flush persistent lines.
This will take the BasedPosition passed and return a Vector for it.
Looks up the GUID of a package on disk. The package must NOT be in the autodownload cache. This may require loading the header of the package in question and is therefore slow.
This will calculate and then set the passed in BasedPosition. This is just modifying the passed in BasedPosition.
This will calculate and then set the passed in BasedPosition. This is just modifying the passed in BasedPosition.
Other static functions[edit]
Iterator functions[edit]
Iterates over all actors in the world, returning all that subclass the specified base class and optionally implement the specified interface.
Note: This is slow. Use one of the more specific iterators whenever possible.
Iterates over all components directly or indirectly attached to this actor.
- BaseClass - Only components deriving from BaseClass will be iterated upon.
- OutComponent - The iteration variable.
Iterates over all actors Attached to this actor, that subclass the specified base class. (very fast)
Iterates over this actor's Children, that subclass the specified base class. (very fast)
Iterates over all colliding actors (bCollideActors) within the specified radius around the specified location, that subclass the specified base class and optionally implement the specified interface. The location defaults to the calling actor's location, for example:
foreach someActor.CollidingActors(class'X', X, 100) { // colliding X within 100 UU radius of someActor }
If the overlap check is used, actors are picked if their collision overlaps the specified radius, otherwise the actor's location must be within the radius.
Note: This iterator uses the collision hash to find actors. That means, for smaller radii it is much faster than AllActors().
Iterates over this actor's Components, returning those that subclass the specified base class.
Iterates over all non-static actors in the world, returning all that subclass the specified base class.
Note: This is somewhat faster than AllActors because it skips the static actors. But while it only starts at the first non-static actor, it usually still is slower than many other iterators because it needs to iterate over the entire remaining actors list.
Iterates over all local PlayerControllers subclassing the specified base class. (very fast)
Typically there is one local PlayerController on each client and listen server and in offline play, but in splitscreen mode there is one PlayerController for each screen. There are no local PlayerControllers on a dedicated server. On servers there may be many PlayerControllers that are no local PlayerControllers. Those will not be returned by this iterator.
Returns colliding actor (bCollideActors==true) which overlap a sphere from location 'Loc' and 'Radius' radius. Like CollidingActors this uses the collision hash so it is fast for smaller radii.
- BaseClass - The Actor returns must be a subclass of this.
- out_Actor - returned Actor at each iteration.
- Radius - Radius of sphere for overlapping check.
- Loc - Center of sphere for overlapping check. (Optional, caller's location is used otherwise).
- bIgnoreHidden - if true, ignore bHidden actors.
Iterates over all Touching actors subclassing the specified base class.
Performs a trace and iterates over all actors on the checked line. The actors are ordered by distance of their hit location.
Iterates over all non-hidden actors visible from the specified location, that subclass the specified base class and optionally are located within a certain radius.
Note: This is extremely slow as it iterates the entire actor list and additionally performs a trace on every actor from the list that matches class and radius requirements.
Iterates over all colliding actors (bCollideActors) within the specified radius around the specified location, that subclass the specified base class, are visible from the location and optionally implement the specified interface.
- BaseClass - Only actors subclassing this class are returned.
- Actor - The actors are returned through this variable.
- Radius - Only actors that are located within this radius are returned.
- Loc - The center from which to check. Defaults to the calling actor's location.
- bIgnoreHidden - If true, bHidden actors are skipped.
- Extent - Zero vector to perform a line check, non-zero vector to perform a "thick" trace. Traces are always performed from Loc to the location of the actor.
- bTraceActors - Whether trace for other actors as well, not just for world geometry. Enabling this option makes the check a bit more expensive.
- InterfaceClass - If specified, only actors implementing this interface are returned.
Latent functions[edit]
Returns when the animation in the specified node sequence has finished.
Returns after the specified amount of game time has passed.
Native functions[edit]
See Actor events.