The three virtues of a programmer: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. – Larry Wall
UE3:NavMeshGoal_ClosestActorInList (UDK)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Object >> NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator >> NavMeshGoal_ClosestActorInList |
- Package:
- Engine
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Given a list of actors we're interested in, will find the closest one to us (closest path distance)
accomplished by seeding the working set with start nodes for all the actors
needs to go last in the GoalList as this does DetermineFinalGoal need to pass in a out_DestActor to the call to FindPath() as that will have the specific actor (the returned GoalPoint is is the center of the poly (which could have N goals on it)
Type: pointer{FNavMeshPolyBase}
Modifiers: native
Cached ref to the anchor poly we're trying to path back to
Type: array<BiasedGoalActor>
Type: Object.MultiMap_Mirror{TMultiMap<FNavMeshPolyBase*,AActor*>}
Modifiers: const, private, native, transient
cached map of which polys match to which actors
Default values[edit]
Property | Value |
MaxPathVisits | 3000 |
Modifiers: native
list of goals to search for
- Actor Goal
- the goal to search for
- int ExtraCost
- an additional cost (in units) to add to the pathfinding distance to bias against this choice
(e.g. if one choice is enough better than the others that it should be prioritized if it's only a little bit further away)
Static functions[edit]
static function NavMeshGoal_ClosestActorInList ClosestActorInList (NavigationHandle NavHandle, const out array<BiasedGoalActor> InGoalList)
Native functions[edit]
native function RecycleInternal ()
event Recycle ()
Overrides: NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator.Recycle