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UE3:SequenceOp structs (UDK)

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UDK Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceOp (structs)



Modifiers: native

Represents an event linked to the operation, similar to a variable link. Necessary only since SequenceEvent does not derive from SequenceVariable.

Todo: native interfaces - could be avoided by using interfaces, but requires support for native interfaces

class<SequenceEvent> ExpectedType 
array<SequenceEvent> LinkedEvents 
string LinkDesc 
int DrawX 
bool bHidden 
bool bMoving 
True if the connector is moving
bool bClampedMax 
True if the connector cant be moved to the right any further
bool bClampedMin 
True if the connector cant be move to the left any further
int OverrideDelta 
The delta position that is applied to the connector in the event that it has moved

Default values:

Property Value
bClampedMax False
bClampedMin False
bMoving False
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SequenceEvent'
OverrideDelta 0


Modifiers: native

Represents an input link for a SequenceOp, that is connected via another SequenceOp's output link.

string LinkDesc 
Text description of this link
bool bHasImpulse 
Indicates whether this input is ready to provide data to this sequence operation.
int QueuedActivations 
Number of activations received for this input when bHasImpulse == TRUE
bool bDisabled 
Is this link disabled for debugging/testing?
bool bDisabledPIE 
Is this link disabled for PIE?
SequenceOp LinkedOp 
Linked action that creates this input, for Sequences
int DrawY 
bool bHidden 
float ActivateDelay 


Modifiers: native

Individual output link entry, for linking an output link to an input link on another operation.

SequenceOp LinkedOp 
SequenceOp this is linked to
int InputLinkIdx 
Index to LinkedOp's InputLinks array that this is linked to


Modifiers: native

Actual output link for a SequenceOp, containing connection information to multiple InputLinks in other SequenceOps.

array<SeqOpOutputInputLink> Links 
List of actual connections for this output
string LinkDesc 
Text description of this link
bool bHasImpulse 
Indicates whether this link is pending activation. If true, the SequenceOps attached to this

link will be activated the next time the sequence is ticked

bool bDisabled 
Is this link disabled for debugging/testing?
bool bDisabledPIE 
Is this link disabled for PIE?
SequenceOp LinkedOp 
Linked op that creates this output, for Sequences
float ActivateDelay 
Delay applied before activating this output
int DrawY 
bool bHidden 
bool bMoving 
True if the connector is moving
bool bClampedMax 
True if the connector cant be moved to the right any further
bool bClampedMin 
True if the connector cant be move to the left any further
int OverrideDelta 
The delta position that is applied to the connector in the event that it has moved

Default values:

Property Value
bClampedMax False
bClampedMin False
bMoving False
OverrideDelta 0


Modifiers: native

Represents a variable linked to the operation for manipulation upon activation.

class<SequenceVariable> ExpectedType 
Class of variable that can be attached to this connector.
array<SequenceVariable> LinkedVariables 
SequenceVariables that we are linked to.
string LinkDesc 
Text description of this variable's use with this op
name LinkVar 
Name of the linked external variable that creates this link, for sub-Sequences
name PropertyName 
Name of the property this variable is associated with
bool bWriteable 
Is this variable written to by this op?
bool bModifiesLinkedObject 
do the object(s) pointed to by this variable get modified by this op? (ignored if not an object variable)
bool bHidden 
Should draw this connector in Kismet.
int MinVars 
Minimum number of variables that should be attached to this connector.
int MaxVars 
Maximum number of variables that should be attached to this connector.
int DrawX 
For drawing.
Property CachedProperty 
Cached property ref
bool bAllowAnyType 
Does this link support any type of property?
bool bMoving 
True if the connector is moving
bool bClampedMax 
True if the connector cant be moved to the right any further
bool bClampedMin 
True if the connector cant be move to the left any further
int OverrideDelta 
The delta position that is applied to the connector in the event that it has moved

Default values:

Property Value
bClampedMax False
bClampedMin False
bMoving False
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SequenceVariable'
MaxVars 255
MinVars 1
OverrideDelta 0