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UE3:UIDataStore_SessionSettings (UDK)

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UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIDataProvider >> UIDataStore >> UIDataStore_Settings >> UIDataStore_SessionSettings
Known classes within UIDataStore_SessionSettings:
SessionSettingsProvider, SessionSettingsProvider_GameInfo
This class in other games:

This class provides the UI with access to game session settings providers.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Fixme: not ready for use yet!



Type: array<SessionSettingsProvider>

Modifiers: transient

The data providers for all session settings, such as game info settings, access control settings, etc.


Type: array<class<SessionSettingsProvider> >

Modifiers: const, transient

Array of SessionSettingsProvider derived classes loaded from SessionSettingsProviderClassNames. Filled in InitializeDataStore().


Type: array<string>

Modifiers: const, config

Array of SessionSettingsProvider derived class names to load and initialize

Default values[edit]

Property Value
Tag 'GameSettings'

Instance functions[edit]


final function ClearDataProviders ()

Clears all data provider references.


function bool NotifyGameSessionEnded ()

Overrides: UIDataStore.NotifyGameSessionEnded

Called when the current map is being unloaded. Cleans up any references which would prevent garbage collection.


TRUE indicates that this data store should be automatically unregistered when this game session ends.