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UE3:UIEvent_CalloutButtonInputProxy (UDK)

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UDK Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceOp >> SequenceEvent >> UIEvent >> UIEvent_CalloutButtonInputProxy

This specialized UIEvent class serves as a container for the input keys associated with the UICalloutButtons contained in a scene. It is automatically added and removed from the scene's sequence based on whether the scene contains a UICalloutButtonPanel object; it is never added by a designer and isn't visible in the UI editor's list of available sequence events.

The output links of this event are dictated by the input aliases assigned to the UICalloutButtons contained within the scene. Each UICalloutButton in the scene will be represented by an output link which is only activated by the input key associated with that button.

There are two ways for users to add output links to instances of this event class. Designers can add output links to this event directly. Doing so causes a new UICalloutButton to be automatically inserted into the callout panel and assigned whichever alias is associated with the input key used to create the new output link. Alternately (and likely the more common case), when a designer adds a new callout button to a UICalloutButtonPanel, an output link is created in this event object for the input key associated with that callout button's input alias.

Copyright 1998-2009 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved



Type: UICalloutButtonPanel

Modifiers: const

Reference to the callout panel this proxy is associated with. Only useful when scenes contain more than one UICalloutButtonPanel.

Default values

Property Value
bDeletable False
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 135
R 70
ObjName "Callout Button Input Proxy"
ObjPosX 56
ObjPosY 96


Static events


static event int GetObjClassVersion ()

Overrides: UIEvent.GetObjClassVersion

Return the version number for this class. Child classes should increment this method by calling Super then adding a individual class version to the result. When a class is first created, the number should be 0; each time one of the link arrays is modified (VariableLinks, OutputLinks, InputLinks, etc.), the number that is added to the result of Super.GetObjClassVersion() should be incremented by 1.


the version number for this specific class.

Native functions


native final function bool ChangeButtonAlias (name CurrentAliasName, name NewAliasName)

Changes the button input alias associated with an output link, preserving the connections to any linked actions.


  • CurrentAliasName - the name of the button alias to replace
  • NewAliasName - the name of the button alias to use instead


TRUE if the key was successfully replaced


native final function int FindButtonAliasIndex (name ButtonAliasName) const

Find the location of the specified button input alias in this event's list of output links.


  • ButtonAliasName - the name of the button alias to find


an index into the OutputLinks array for the output associated with the specified button, or INDEX_NONE if it isn't found.


native final function bool RegisterButtonAlias (name ButtonAliasName)

Creates a new output link using the specified alias.


  • ButtonAliasName - the name of the input alias assigned to a button in a UICalloutButtonBar


TRUE if the output link was successfully created for the alias


native final function bool UnregisterButtonAlias (name ButtonAliasName)

Removes the output link associated with the button input alias specified.


  • ButtonAliasName - the name of the input alias assigned a button in a UICalloutButtonBar


TRUE if an output link for the alias was found and removed successfully.



event bool IsPastingIntoUISequenceAllowed ()

Overrides: SequenceObject.IsPastingIntoUISequenceAllowed

Determines whether objects of this class are allowed to be pasted into UI sequences.


TRUE if this sequence object can be pasted into UI sequences.


event bool IsValidUISequenceObject (optional UIScreenObject TargetObject)

Overrides: UIEvent.IsValidUISequenceObject

Determines whether this class should be displayed in the list of available ops in the UI's kismet editor.


  • TargetObject - the widget that this SequenceObject would be attached to.


TRUE if this sequence object should be available for use in the UI kismet editor