UE3:UIObject (UDK)

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UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIScreenObject >> UIObject
Known classes within UIObject:
UIComp_AutoAlignment, UIComp_DrawCaption, UIComp_DrawComponents, UIComp_DrawImage, UIComp_DrawString, UIComp_DrawStringSlider, UIComp_DrawTeamColoredImage, UIComp_UTDrawStateImage, UIComp_UTGlowString
Direct subclasses:
ConsoleEntry, UIButton, UIComboBox, UIContainer, UIEditBox, UIImage, UILabel, UIList, UIMeshWidget, UIOptionListBase, UIPrefab, UIPrefabInstance, UIProgressBar, UIScrollbar, UISlider, UITabControl, UTUI_Widget
This class in other games:

Base class for all UI widgets.



Value: 100

used to differentiate tooltip bindings from others


Value: 100


Value: 101


Property group 'Appearance'


Type: UIRoot.UIDockingSet

Modifiers: editconst

The widgets that this widget should be docked to. For the 'right' and 'bottom' faces, if the widget has no dock target, it is considered docked to the 'left' and 'top' faces, respectively.

Default value:

Member Value
TargetFace[0] INVALID
TargetFace[1] INVALID
TargetFace[2] INVALID
TargetFace[3] INVALID


Type: float

Array size: 4 (EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX)

Modifiers: editconst, private, const, transient

Represents the bounding region available for the widget to render itself in. Set through the docking system.


Type: Object.Vector2D

Array size: 4 (EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX)

Modifiers: editconst, private, const, transient

Represents the location of the corners of the widget including any tranforms, in absolute pixels (pixel space). Starts at the upper-left corner of the widget and goes clockwise.


Type: Object.Vector

Screenspace offset to apply to the widget's rendering.


Type: UIRoot.UIRotation

Rotation of the widget.

Default value:

Member Value
Member Value
ScaleType[0] EVALPOS_PixelOwner
ScaleType[1] EVALPOS_PixelOwner
AnchorType RA_Center


Type: name

Modifiers: editconst

Unique non-localized name for this widget which is used to reference the widget without needing to know its GUID

Property group 'Data'


Type: UIRoot.UIDataStoreBinding

Modifiers: private, editconst

Default value:

Member Value
RequiredFieldType DATATYPE_Collection


Type: UIRoot.UIDataStoreBinding

Modifiers: private

The tool tip for this widget; only relevant for widgets that implement the UIDataStoreSubscriber interface.

Property group 'Interaction'


Type: UIRoot.UINavigationData

Controls which widgets are given focus when this widget receives an event that changes the currently focused widget.


Type: byte

A bitmask representing the player indexes that this control will process input for, where the value is generated by left bitshifting by the index of the player. A value of 0xF indicates that this control will process input from all players. A value of 1 << 1 indicate that only input from player at index 1 will be acccepted, etc. So value of 3 means that this control processes input from players at indexes 0 and 1. Input from player indexes that do not match the mask will be ignored.

By default, the input mask comes from the scene. Widgets can override this value to allow more or less players to interact with that widget - this override value is stored in the upper 4 bits.

Default value: 15


Type: int

Allows the designer to specify where this widget occurs in the bound (i.e. tab, shift+tab) navigation network of this widget's parent.

Default value: -1

Property group 'PostProcess'


Type: UIRoot.EUIPostProcessGroup

Post process mask for the UI object.

UIPostProcess_None - no masking enabled UIPostProcess_Background - Only mask the UI object for the background post process pass UIPostProcess_Foreground - Only mask the UI object for the foreground post process pass UIPostProcess_BackgroundAndForeground - Both the background/foreground post process passes are masked to this object

Property group 'ZDebug'


Type: bool

Set to true to render an outline marking the widget's RenderBounds.


Type: Object.Color

if bRenderBoundingRegion is TRUE, specifies the color to use for this widget.

Default value:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 128
R 255

Internal variables


Type: UIObject

Used as the parent in animation sequences


Type: bool

Modifiers: private

Indicates that this widget should receive a call each tick with the location of the mouse cursor while it's the active control (NotifyMouseOver) (caution: slightly degrades performance)


Type: bool

Indicates that this widget needs to perform work when the scene is updated. If TRUE, the widget will recieve calls to both PreSceneUpdate() and PostSceneUpdate().


Type: bool

Modifiers: const

Temp hack to allow widgets to remove "Primary Style" from the styles listed in the context menu for that widget if they no longer use it. Will be removed once I am ready to deprecate the PrimaryStyle property.

Default value: True


Type: UIObject

Modifiers: const, private, duplicatetransient

the UIObject that contains this widget in its Children array


Type: UIScene

Modifiers: const, private, duplicatetransient

The scene that owns this widget


Type: UIRoot.UIStyleReference

Specifies the style data to use for this widget

Default value:

Member Value
DefaultStyleTag 'DefaultComboStyle'


Type: int

Modifiers: private

Stores a bitmask of flags which modify/define which operations may be performed to this widget (such as renaming, reparenting, selecting, etc.).

Valid behavior flags are defined in UIRoot.uc, as consts which begin with PRIVATE_


Type: array<UIStyleResolver>

Modifiers: transient

List of objects/components contained by this widget which contain their own style references. When this widget's style is resolved, each element in this list will receive a notification to resolve its style references as well.

Elements should be added to this list either from the native InitializeStyleSubscribers method [for native classes], the Initialized event [for non-native classes], or the native PostEditChange method (when e.g. components are created or removed using the UI editor's property window).

You should NEVER add elements to this array using defaultproperties, since interface properties will not be updated to point to the subobject/component instance when this widget is created.



Modifiers: noimport

Unique identifier for this widget

Default values



Class: Engine.UIComp_Event

Property Value
Member Value
EventTemplate UIEvent_Initialized'Engine.Default__UIObject:WidgetInitializedEvent'



delegate bool OnClicked (UIScreenObject EventObject, int PlayerIndex)

Called when the widget is no longer being pressed. Not implemented by all widget types.

The difference between this delegate and the OnPressRelease delegate is that OnClick will only be called on the widget that received the matching key press. OnPressRelease will be called on whichever widget was under the cursor when the key was released, which might not necessarily be the widget that received the key press.


  • EventObject - Object that issued the event.
  • PlayerIndex - Player that performed the action that issued the event.


return TRUE to prevent the kismet OnClick event from firing.


delegate bool OnCloseContextMenu (UIContextMenu ContextMenu, int PlayerIndex)

Called when the system wants to close the currently active context menu.


  • ContextMenu - the context menu that is going to be closed
  • PlayerIndex - the index of the player that generated the request for the context menu to be closed.


TRUE to allow the specified context menu to be closed; FALSE to prevent the context menu from being closed. Note that there are certain situations where the context menu will be closed regardless of the return value, such as when the scene which owns the context menu is being closed.


delegate OnContextMenuItemSelected (UIContextMenu ContextMenu, int PlayerIndex, int ItemIndex)

Called when the user selects a choice from a context menu.


  • ContextMenu - the context menu that called this delegate.
  • PlayerIndex - the index of the player that generated the event.
  • ItemIndex - the index [into the context menu's MenuItems array] for the item that was selected.


delegate OnCreate (UIObject CreatedWidget, UIScreenObject CreatorContainer)

Called when this widget is created


  • CreatedWidget - the widget that was created
  • CreatorContainer - the container that created the widget


delegate OnDoubleClick (UIScreenObject EventObject, int PlayerIndex)

Called when the widget has received a double-click input event. Not implemented by all widget types.


  • EventObject - Object that issued the event.
  • PlayerIndex - Player that performed the action that issued the event.


delegate bool OnOpenContextMenu (UIObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, out UIContextMenu CustomContextMenu)

Called when the user right-clicks (or whatever input key is configured to activate the ShowContextMenu UI input alias) this widget. Provides a way for widgets to customize the context menu that is used or prevent the context menu from being shown entirely.

For script customization of the context menu, a custom context menu object must be assigned to the CustomContextMenu variable. It is possible to provide data for the context menu without creating or modifying any existing data stores. First, get a reference to the scene's default context menu (GetScene()->GetDefaultContextMenu()). Add the desired elements to the scene's data store then bind the context menu to that data field.


  • Sender - the widget that will be displaying the context menu
  • PlayerIndex - index of the player that generated the input event that triggered the context menu display.
  • CustomContextMenu - to provide a custom tooltip implementation, fill in in this value and return TRUE. The custom context menu will then be activated by native code.


return FALSE to prevent a context menu from being shown, including any from parent widgets. Return TRUE to indicate that the context menu for this widget can be displayed; if a value is not provided for CustomContextMenu, the default context menu will be displayed, using this widget's context menu data binding to generate the items.


delegate OnPostSceneUpdate (UIObject Sender)

Called immediately after the scene performs an update. Only called if assigned and the value of bEnableSceneUpdateNotifications is true.


delegate OnPreSceneUpdate (UIObject Sender)

Called immediately before the scene performs an update. Only called if assigned and the value of bEnableSceneUpdateNotifications is true.


delegate OnPressed (UIScreenObject EventObject, int PlayerIndex)

Called when this widget is pressed. Not implemented by all widget types.


  • EventObject - Object that issued the event.
  • PlayerIndex - Player that performed the action that issued the event.


delegate OnPressRelease (UIScreenObject EventObject, int PlayerIndex)

Called when the widget is no longer being pressed. Not implemented by all widget types.


  • EventObject - Object that issued the event.
  • PlayerIndex - Player that performed the action that issued the event.


delegate OnPressRepeat (UIScreenObject EventObject, int PlayerIndex)

Called when the widget been pressed and the user is holding the button down. Not implemented by all widget types.


  • EventObject - Object that issued the event.
  • PlayerIndex - Player that performed the action that issued the event.


delegate bool OnRefreshSubscriberValue (UIObject Sender, int BindingIndex)

Called when this widget receives a call to RefreshSubscriberValue.


  • Sender - the widget that is refreshing their value
  • BindingIndex - optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being refreshed, for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0, while values greater than FIRST_DEFAULT_DATABINDING_INDEX correspond to tooltips and context menus.


TRUE to indicate that this widget is going to refresh its value manually.


delegate OnValueChanged (UIObject Sender, int PlayerIndex)

Called when the value of this UIObject is changed. Only called for widgets that contain data values.


  • Sender - the UIObject whose value changed
  • PlayerIndex - the index of the player that generated the call to this method; used as the PlayerIndex when activating UIEvents; if not specified, the value of GetBestPlayerIndex() is used instead.


Native functions

See UIObject native functions.

Other instance functions


function ClearDockTargets ()

Wrapper method for resetting all docking links.


final function UIObject GetOwner ()

Returns the owner of this widget


function UIScreenObject GetParent ()

Overrides: UIScreenObject.GetParent

Returns the scene or widget that contains this widget in its Children array.


final function UIScene GetScene ()

Returns the scene that owns this widget


function LogRenderBounds (int Indent)