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UE3:UTDmgType_BioGoo (UT3)
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Revision as of 07:40, 23 May 2008 by (Talk)
Object >> DamageType >> UTDamageType >> UTDmgType_BioGoo |
- Package:
- UTGameContent
- Direct subclass:
- UTDmgType_BioGoo_Charged
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Default values[edit]
Property | Value | ||||||||||
bAnimateHipsForDeathAnim | False | ||||||||||
bUseDamageBasedDeathEffects | True | ||||||||||
CustomTauntIndex | 1 | ||||||||||
DamageBodyMatColor |
DamageCameraAnim | CameraAnim'Camera_FX.BioRifle.C_WP_Bio_Hit' | ||||||||||
DamageOverlayTime | 0.2 | ||||||||||
DamageWeaponClass | Class'UTGameContent.UTWeap_BioRifle_Content' | ||||||||||
DeathAnim | 'Death_Stinger' | ||||||||||
DeathOverlayTime | 0.4 | ||||||||||
DeathStatsName | 'DEATHS_BIORIFLE' | ||||||||||
DeathString | "`o was slimed by `k's Bio Goo." | ||||||||||
FemaleSuicide | "`o suffocated in her own Goo." | ||||||||||
KillStatsName | 'KILLS_BIORIFLE' | ||||||||||
MaleSuicide | "`o suffocated in his own Goo." | ||||||||||
MotorDecayTime | 1.0 | ||||||||||
RewardAnnouncementSwitch | 4 | ||||||||||
RewardCount | 15 | ||||||||||
RewardEvent | 'REWARD_BIOHAZARD' | ||||||||||
SuicideStatsName | 'SUICIDES_BIORIFLE' | ||||||||||
VehicleDamageScaling | 0.8 | ||||||||||
VehicleMomentumScaling | 0.2 |
Static functions[edit]
static function DoCustomDamageEffects (UTPawn ThePawn, class<UTDamageType> TheDamageType, const out Actor.TraceHitInfo HitInfo, Object.Vector HitLocation)
Overrides: UTDamageType.DoCustomDamageEffects