Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
UE3:UTProj_FlakShell (UT3)
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Object >> Actor >> Projectile >> UTProjectile >> UTProj_FlakShell |
- Package:
- UTGame
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Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Default values
Property | Value |
AmbientSound | SoundCue'A_Weapon_FlakCannon.Weapons.A_FlakCannon_FireAltInAirCue' |
bRotationFollowsVelocity | True |
bWaitForEffects | True |
CheckRadius | 40.0 |
Damage | 100.0 |
DamageRadius | 200.0 |
DecalHeight | 128.0 |
DecalWidth | 128.0 |
ExplosionDecal | MaterialInstanceTimeVarying'WP_FlakCannon.Decals.MITV_WP_FlakCannon_Impact_Decal01' |
ExplosionLightClass | Class'UTGame.UTRocketExplosionLight' |
ExplosionSound | SoundCue'A_Weapon_FlakCannon.Weapons.A_FlakCannon_FireAltImpactExplodeCue' |
LifeSpan | 6.0 |
MomentumTransfer | 75000.0 |
MyDamageType | Class'UTGame.UTDmgType_FlakShell' |
Physics | PHYS_Falling |
ProjExplosionTemplate | ParticleSystem'WP_FlakCannon.Effects.P_WP_Flak_Alt_Explosion' |
ProjFlightTemplate | ParticleSystem'WP_FlakCannon.Effects.P_WP_Flak_Alt_Smoke_Trail' |
Speed | 1200.0 |
TossZ | 305.0 |
Class: Engine.CylinderComponent
Inherits from: UTProjectile.CollisionCylinder
No new values.
Instance functions
simulated function Explode (Object.Vector HitLocation, Object.Vector HitNormal)
Overrides: UTProjectile.Explode
Explode this Projectile