UE2:StaticMeshActor (U2XMP)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
U2XMP Object >> Actor >> StaticMeshActor
Direct subclass:
This class in other games:

StaticMeshActor. An actor that is drawn using a static mesh(a mesh that never changes, and can be cached in video memory, resulting in a speed boost).

Default values

Property Value
bAcceptsProjectors True
bBlockActors True
bBlockPlayers True
bCollideActors True
bEdCanOverlap True
bEdShouldSnap True
bIgnoreSingularityDamage False
bIgnoreSingularityForces False
bMustFace False
bShadowCast True
bStatic True
bStaticLighting True
bWorldGeometry True
CollisionHeight 1.0
CollisionRadius 1.0
DrawType DT_StaticMesh