UE3:SkelControl TwistBone (UDK): Difference between revisions

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'''Type:''' [[name]]
'''Type:''' [[name]]

<!-- enter variable description -->
Name of source bone to use. For a forearm twist, that would be the hand bone name.


Revision as of 06:24, 17 January 2010

UDK Object >> AnimObject >> SkelControlBase >> SkelControl_TwistBone

Simple controller for Twist/Roll bones.


Property group 'SkelControl_TwistBone'


Type: name

Name of source bone to use. For a forearm twist, that would be the hand bone name.


Type: float

How much to scale down the roll angle

Default value: -0.5

Default values

Property Value
bIgnoreWhenNotRendered True
CategoryDesc "Single Bone"