UE2:SuperHealthPack (UT2003)

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UT2003 Object >> Actor >> Pickup >> TournamentPickup >> TournamentHealth >> SuperHealthPack
This class in other games:


Default values

Property Value
AmbientGlow 64
bAmbientGlow False
bPredictRespawns True
bSuperHeal True
bUnlit True
CollisionRadius 42.0
DrawScale 0.4
DrawType DT_StaticMesh
HealingAmount 100
MaxDesireability 2.0
Physics PHYS_Rotating
PickupForce "LargeHealthPickup"
PickupMessage "You picked up a Big Keg O' Health +"
PickupSound Sound'PickupSounds.LargeHealthPickup'
RespawnTime 60.0
Member Value
Yaw 2000
ScaleGlow 0.6
StaticMesh StaticMesh'E_Pickups.SuperKeg'
Style STY_AlphaZ