UE2:UT2K4BotConfigPage defaults (UT2004)

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Revision as of 09:10, 17 May 2008 by Wormbo (talk | contribs) (Auto-generated page)
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;Other member categories for this class::

Default values

Property Value
WinHeight 0.759115
WinLeft 0.043945
WinTop 0.123958
WinWidth 0.921875



Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bHeightFromComponent False
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Accuracy"
Hint "Configures the accuracy rating of this bot."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
MaxValue 2.0
MinValue -2.0
OnChange SliderChange
SliderCaptionStyleName "TextLabel"
TabOrder 1
WinHeight 0.0375
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.177603
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bHeightFromComponent False
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Aggressiveness"
Hint "Configures the aggressiveness rating of this bot."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
MaxValue 1.0
MinValue 0.0
OnChange SliderChange
SliderCaptionStyleName "TextLabel"
TabOrder 0
WinHeight 0.0375
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.107618
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bHeightFromComponent False
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Combat Style"
Hint "Adjusts the combat style of this bot."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
MaxValue 1.0
MinValue 0.0
OnChange SliderChange
SliderCaptionStyleName "TextLabel"
TabOrder 2
WinHeight 0.0375
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.247588
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Jumpiness"
Hint "Controls whether this bot jumps a lot during the game."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
MaxValue 1.0
MinValue 0.0
OnChange SliderChange
SliderCaptionStyleName "TextLabel"
TabOrder 6
WinHeight 0.0375
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.527528
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bReadOnly True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Orders"
CaptionWidth 0.5
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Choose which role this bot will play in the game."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
OnChange ComboBoxChange
TabOrder 9
WinHeight 0.055469
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.791159
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bHeightFromComponent False
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Reaction Time"
Hint "Adjusts the reaction speed of this bot."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
MaxValue 2.0
MinValue -2.0
OnChange SliderChange
SliderCaptionStyleName "TextLabel"
TabOrder 5
WinHeight 0.0375
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.457542
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bHeightFromComponent False
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Strafing Ability"
Hint "Adjusts the strafing ability of this bot."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
MaxValue 2.0
MinValue -2.0
OnChange SliderChange
SliderCaptionStyleName "TextLabel"
TabOrder 3
WinHeight 0.0375
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.317573
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bHeightFromComponent False
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Tactics"
Hint "Adjusts the team-play awareness ability of this bot."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
MaxValue 2.0
MinValue -2.0
OnChange SliderChange
SliderCaptionStyleName "TextLabel"
TabOrder 4
WinHeight 0.0375
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.387558
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bReadOnly True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Voice"
CaptionWidth 0.5
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Choose which voice this bot uses."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
OnChange ComboBoxChange
TabOrder 8
WinHeight 0.055469
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.718011
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bHeightFromComponent False
bReadOnly True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Preferred Weapon"
CaptionWidth 0.5
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Select which weapon this bot should prefer."
LabelStyleName "TextLabel"
TabOrder 7
WinHeight 0.055469
WinLeft 0.345313
WinTop 0.647967
WinWidth 0.598438


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Normal
ImageStyle ISTY_Scaled
RenderWeight 0.11
WinHeight 0.82251
WinLeft 0.079861
WinTop 0.116031
WinWidth 0.246875


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
WinHeight 0.638294
WinLeft 0.02615
WinTop 0.078391
WinWidth 0.29082