UE2:VoiceChatConfig defaults (UT2004)

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Revision as of 09:10, 17 May 2008 by Wormbo (talk | contribs) (Auto-generated page)
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;Other member categories for this class::

Default values

Property Value
bAcceptsInput False
WindowName "Voice Chat Configuration"



Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Autojoin Local Channel"
CaptionWidth 0.94
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Automatically join the 'Local' channel upon connecting to a server."
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 2
WinLeft 0.08628
WinTop 0.145784
WinWidth 0.826652


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Autojoin Public Channel"
CaptionWidth 0.94
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Automatically join the 'Public' channel upon connecting to a server."
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 1
WinLeft 0.08628
WinTop 0.042496
WinWidth 0.826652


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Autojoin Team Channel"
CaptionWidth 0.8
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Automatically join the 'Team' channel upon connecting to a server."
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 3
WinLeft 0.022803
WinTop 0.226937
WinWidth 0.44091


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
bSquare True
Caption "Auto-select Active Channel"
CaptionWidth 0.8
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Automatically set an active channel when you join a server. The default channel is determined by the gametype, but you can specify your own using the editbox below"
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 3
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.039812
WinTop 0.603526
WinWidth 0.442638


Class: XInterface.moEditBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Chat Password"
CaptionWidth 0.6
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Set a password on your personal chat room to limit who is allowed to join"
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 4
WinLeft 0.032569
WinTop 0.332828
WinWidth 0.420403


Class: XInterface.moEditBox

Property Value
Caption "Default Channel Name"
CaptionWidth 0.6
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Enter the name of the channel to speak on by default when you join the server. To use the default chatroom for whichever gametype you're playing, leave this field empty"
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 4
WinLeft 0.032569
WinTop 0.757277
WinWidth 0.420403


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
bReadOnly True
Caption "Internet Quality"
CaptionWidth 0.6
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Determines the codec used to transmit voice chat to and from internet servers."
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 5
WinLeft 0.52339
WinTop 0.241391
WinWidth 0.408907


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
bReadOnly True
Caption "LAN Quality"
CaptionWidth 0.6
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Determines the codec used to transmit voice chat to and from LAN servers."
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 6
WinLeft 0.52339
WinTop 0.333786
WinWidth 0.408907


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Voice Chat Volume"
CaptionWidth 0.6
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth -1.0
Hint "Adjusts the volume of other players' voice chat communication."
IniOption "@Internal"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
MaxValue 10.0
MinValue 1.0
OnChange InternalOnChange
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
RenderWeight 1.04
TabOrder 0
WinLeft 0.518507
WinTop 0.142484
WinWidth 0.408907