Always snap to grid
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
CTFSquadAI contains all of the AI code for Capture the Flag. CheckSquadObjectives is where most of the action is.
- LastSeeFlagCarrier
- The last time the enemy flag carrier was seen by a squad member
- FriendlyFlag
- The team's CTFFlag.
- EnemyFlag
- The enemy team's flag.
- ReturnPath
- The next AssaultPath on the way back to base for the flag carrier.
- ReturnPathTag
- The tag of the path that the flag carrier is following.
- AssignCombo
- Doesn't do combos while the squad is attacking.
- AllowDetourTo
- Allows the flag carrier to detour only in certain circumstances, such as if the home flag needs to be recovered.
- FindPathToObjective
- This is where ReturnPath is used.
- AllowTranslocationBy
- Doesn't let bots with flags translocate.
- GoPickupFlag
- Tells a bot to go touch and return the team's flag.
- FormationCenter
- Either the SquadObjective (the enemy flag base), the enemy flag carrier, or the squad leader, in that order.
- OrdersForFlagCarrier
- Separates out the flag carrier logic from CheckSquadObjectives.
- MustKeepEnemy
- Don't give up on the enemy flag carrier.
- NearEnemyBase
- In the same zone as the enemy flag (if the flags are in different zones), or use BotNearObjective (from GameObjective).
- NearHomeBase
- Essentially the opposite of NearEnemyBase.
- FlagNearBase
- Is the flag reasonably close to its base?
- CheckSquadObjectives
- The main AI decision-making function.
- EnemyFlagTakenBy
- A squad member has picked up the enemy flag. Called by CTFFlag.SetHolder.
- AllowTaunt
- Don't taunt if you're carrying a flag or if your team's flag is out.
- ShouldDeferTo
- Always defer to the flag carrier.
- PriorityObjective
- Depends on whethere the bot is carrying a flag, whether it's close to scoring, and if the team's flag is out.
- ModifyThreat
- Threat level is higher near the enemy flag base.