Always snap to grid
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- var() const Name InvClassName
- Class of inventory to remove/give
- var() const int NeededAmount
- Make sure the player has at least this much of the item
- var() const GuyTypeEnum GuyType
- Which type of dude can get this thing
- var() const bool bEnhancedOnly
- Only get it in enhanced mode
- Okay for both good and evil dude
- Okay for evil dude only
- Okay for good dude only
- var() const localized String Description
- Name of day (ex: "Monday")
- var() const String UniqueName
- A unique day name so code can refer to specific days.
- var() const array<string> ExcludeDays
- A list of other group names that need to be excluded from today.
- var() const name MapTex
- Map texture for today
- var() const name NewsTex
- Newspaper texture for today
- var() const name DudeNewsComment
- Dude's comment on today's newspaper
- var() const name LoadTex
- Loading texture for today
- var() const name DudeStartComment
- Dude's comment on starting today's errands.
- var() const editinline array<ErrandBase> Errands
- Errands that need to be performed today.
- var() const export editinline array<DayInventoryStruct> PlayerInvList
- Things to give to the player when day starts
- var() const export editinline array<DayInventoryStruct> TakeFromPlayerList
- Things to be taken away from the player when day starts
- int ActiveErrands
- Cached number of active errands (to make it faster)
- function AddInStartingInventory(P2Pawn PlayerPawn)
- Take the player pawn and add these things in
- function TakeInventoryFromPlayer(P2Pawn PlayerPawn)
- Take away things from the player and destroy them if necessary
- function Texture GetMapTexture()
- Returns today's map texture
- function Texture GetNewsTexture()
- Returns today's news texture
- function Sound GetDudeNewsComment()
- Returns today's news comment
- function Texture GetLoadTexture()
- Returns today's loading texture
- function Sound GetDudeStartComment()
- Returns dude starting comment for today's errands
- function CheckForValidErrandGoals()
- Checks for valid goals in the day's errands. Logs a warning if errands or their goals missing.
- function bool CheckForErrandCompletion(Actor Other, Actor Another, Pawn ActionPawn, bool bPremature, GameState CurGameState, out int ErrandIndex, out name CompletionTrigger)
- Attempts to complete an errand with the information passed in.
- function AddMyHaters(GameState CurGameState, P2Player CurPlayer)
- Adds all of the player haters for today's errands.
- function bool IgnoreThisTag(Actor Other)
- Checks to see if we want to ignore this actor based on its tag. This lets some objects show up on some days and not on others
- function bool CheckForErrandUse(Actor Other)
- Returns true if Other is used for one of today's errands
- function int FindErrand(String UniqueName)
- function int NumErrands()
- function int NumActiveErrands()
- function ActivateErrand(int Errand)
- function bool IsErrandComplete(int ErrandIndex)
- function bool IsErrandActive(int ErrandIndex)
- function Sound GetErrandStartComment(int ErrandIndex)
- function Sound GetErrandCompletedComment(int ErrandIndex)
- function Sound GetErrandWhereComment(int ErrandIndex)
- function Sound GetErrandFoundComment(int ErrandIndex)
- function Texture GetErrandName(int ErrandIndex)
- function Texture GetErrandLocation(int ErrandIndex, out float x, out float y)
- function Texture GetErrandLocationCrossout(int ErrandIndex, out float x, out float y)