There is no spoon
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This is a utility class for the EnhancedItems package by Wormbo.
EIDMMutator is a configurable version of BotPack.DMMutator and Legacy:EnhancedItems/EnhancedMutators can use their GetDMMutator() function to replace the base mutator with this class. By default it behaves exactly as the DMMutator.
- bool bKeepStationaryPawns
- Prevent mutators from modifying StationaryPawns. Defaults to True.
- bool bReplaceAmmo
- Replace Unreal ammo pickups with corresponding UT ammo. Defaults to True.
- bool bReplaceAmplifier
- Replace the Amplifier with the UDamage. Defaults to True.
- bool bReplaceArmor
- Replace Unreal armor pickups with corresponding UT armor. Defaults to True.
- bool bReplaceHealth
- Replace Unreal health pickups with corresponding UT health. Defaults to True.
- bool bReplaceInvisibility
- Replace Invisibility with UT_Invisibility. Defaults to True.
- bool bReplaceJumpBoots
- Replace JumpBoots with UT_JumpBoots. Defaults to True.
- bool bReplaceShieldbelt
- Replace ShieldBelt with UT_ShieldBelt. Defaults to True.
- bool bReplaceWeapons
- Replace Unreal Weapons with their corresponding UT TournamentWeapon versions. Defaults to True.
- bool bSetAutoActivate
- Enable bAutoActivate for all activatable pickups. Defaults to True.
- bool bSetMegaSpeed
- Set mega speed if the gametype wants it. Defaults to True.
- float MegaSpeedFactor
- The factor to multiply Pawn (UT) speeds by. Defaults to 1.4.
Methods Inherited From Mutator (UT)[edit]
- AddMutator(Mutator (UT) M)
- Checks for the NoAlwaysAutoActivate mutator included in the EnhancedItems package and disables bSetAutoActivate if found.
- bool AlwaysKeep(Actor (UT) Other)
- The same as DMMutator.AlwaysKeep, except that it respects the variables mentioned above.
- bool CheckReplacement(Actor (UT) Other, out byte bSuperRelevant)
- The same as DMMutator.CheckReplacement, except that it respects the variables mentioned above.