I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin

UE1:RatedMatchDM2 (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Info >> RatedMatchInfo >> RatedMatchDM2




Default values[edit]

Property Value
Bio[0] "Calameth was kicked from the NEG armed forces after a violent brush with his commanding officer. He has little care for those around him and will fight ruthlessly."
Bio[1] "Member of an alien race known as the 'Necris', Kryss is possessed of a dark beauty. Beware, however, for it hides an even darker mind."
BotAccuracy[0] 0.4
BotClasses[0] "Botpack.TMale1Bot"
BotClasses[1] "Botpack.TFemale1Bot"
BotClassifications[0] "Soldier"
BotClassifications[1] "Necris Blademaiden"
BotFaces[0] "CommandoSkins.Luthor"
BotFaces[1] "FCommandoSkins.cryss"
BotNames[0] "Calameth"
BotNames[1] "Kryss"
BotSkins[0] "CommandoSkins.daco"
BotSkins[1] "FCommandoSkins.goth"
BotTeams[1] 255
CombatStyle[0] -0.5
CombatStyle[1] 0.5
FavoriteWeapon[0] "Botpack.ShockRifle"
FavoriteWeapon[1] "Botpack.PulseGun"
NumBots 2