I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin

UE1:ThighPads (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Inventory >> Pickup >> TournamentPickup >> ThighPads

The Thigh Pads armor item.

Default values[edit]

Property Value
AbsorptionPriority 7
AmbientGlow 64
ArmorAbsorption 50
bDisplayableInv True
bIsAnArmor True
bRotatingPickup True
Charge 50
Icon Texture'UnrealShare.Icons.I_Armor'
ItemName "Thigh Pads"
MaxDesireability 1.8
Mesh LodMesh'Botpack.ThighPads'
PickupMessage "You got the Thigh Pads."
PickupSound Sound'Botpack.Pickups.ArmorUT'
PickupViewMesh LodMesh'Botpack.ThighPads'
RespawnTime 30.0

Instance functions[edit]


function bool HandlePickupQuery (Inventory Item)

Overrides: Pickup.HandlePickupQuery


function Inventory SpawnCopy (Pawn Other)

Overrides: Pickup.SpawnCopy