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UE2:Object operators (U2XMP)

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U2XMP Object (operators)


Object operators in other games:
RTNP, U1, UT, U2, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT2004, UT3, UDK
Other member categories for this class:
static native functions, structs



native(129) static final preoperator bool ! (bool A)


static final preoperator bool ! (float F)


static final preoperator bool ! (int I)


static final preoperator bool ! (name N)


static final preoperator bool ! (Object O)


static final preoperator bool ! (Rotator R)


static final preoperator bool ! (string S)


static final preoperator bool ! (Vector V)


native(137) static final preoperator byte ++ (out byte A)


native(163) static final preoperator int ++ (out int A)


native(169) static final preoperator float - (float A)


native(143) static final preoperator int - (int A)


native(321) static final preoperator Range - (Range A)


native(211) static final preoperator Vector - (Vector A)


native(138) static final preoperator byte -- (out byte A)


native(164) static final preoperator int -- (out int A)


static final preoperator bool ~ (ComponentHandle A)


native(141) static final preoperator int ~ (int A)


static final preoperator bool ~ (ParticleHandle A)


native(139) static final postoperator byte ++ (out byte A)


native(165) static final postoperator int ++ (out int A)


native(140) static final postoperator byte -- (out byte A)


native(166) static final postoperator int -- (out int A)


static final postoperator bool ? (bool B)


static final postoperator bool ? (float F)


static final postoperator bool ? (int I)


static final postoperator bool ? (name N)


static final postoperator bool ? (Object O)


static final postoperator bool ? (Rotator R)


static final postoperator bool ? (string S)


static final postoperator bool ? (Vector V)

float @= range


float ** float

native(170) static final operator(12) float ** (float A, float B)

float * float

native(171) static final operator(16) float * (float A, float B)

float * range

native(323) static final operator(16) Range * (float A, Range B)

float * rotator

native(288) static final operator(16) Rotator * (float A, Rotator B)

float * vector

native(213) static final operator(16) Vector * (float A, Vector B)

int * int

native(144) static final operator(16) int * (int A, int B)

range * float

native(322) static final operator(16) Range * (Range A, float B)

range * range

native(324) static final operator(16) Range * (Range A, Range B)

rotator * float

native(287) static final operator(16) Rotator * (Rotator A, float B)

vector * float

native(212) static final operator(16) Vector * (Vector A, float B)

vector * vector

native(296) static final operator(16) Vector * (Vector A, Vector B)

float / float

native(172) static final operator(16) float / (float A, float B)

float / range

native(340) static final operator(16) Range / (float A, Range B)

int / int

native(145) static final operator(16) int / (int A, int B)

range / float

native(325) static final operator(16) Range / (Range A, float B)

rotator / float

native(289) static final operator(16) Rotator / (Rotator A, float B)

vector / float

native(214) static final operator(16) Vector / (Vector A, float B)

vector Cross vector

native(220) static final operator(16) Vector Cross (Vector A, Vector B)

vector Dot vector

native(219) static final operator(16) float Dot (Vector A, Vector B)

float % float

native(173) static final operator(18) float % (float A, float B)

float + float

native(174) static final operator(20) float + (float A, float B)

int + int

native(146) static final operator(20) int + (int A, int B)

range + range

native(326) static final operator(20) Range + (Range A, Range B)

rotator + rotator

native(316) static final operator(20) Rotator + (Rotator A, Rotator B)

vector + vector

native(215) static final operator(20) Vector + (Vector A, Vector B)

float - float

native(175) static final operator(20) float - (float A, float B)

int - int

native(147) static final operator(20) int - (int A, int B)

range - range

native(327) static final operator(20) Range - (Range A, Range B)

rotator - rotator

native(317) static final operator(20) Rotator - (Rotator A, Rotator B)

vector - vector

native(216) static final operator(20) Vector - (Vector A, Vector B)

int << int

native(148) static final operator(22) int << (int A, int B)

vector << rotator

native(275) static final operator(22) Vector << (Vector A, Rotator B)

int >> int

native(149) static final operator(22) int >> (int A, int B)

vector >> rotator

native(276) static final operator(22) Vector >> (Vector A, Rotator B)

int >>> int

native(196) static final operator(22) int >>> (int A, int B)

float < float

native(176) static final operator(24) bool < (float A, float B)

int < int

native(150) static final operator(24) bool < (int A, int B)

string < string

native(115) static final operator(24) bool < (string A, string B)

float <= float


int <= int


string <= string


bool == bool


float == float


int == int


name == name


Object == Object


range == range


rotator == rotator


string == string


vector == vector


float > float

native(177) static final operator(24) bool > (float A, float B)

int > int

native(151) static final operator(24) bool > (int A, int B)

string > string

native(116) static final operator(24) bool > (string A, string B)

float >= float


int >= int


string >= string


float ~= float


string ~= string


bool != bool


float != float


int != int


name != name


Object != Object


range != range


rotator != rotator


string != string


vector != vector


int & int

native(156) static final operator(28) int & (int A, int B)

int ^ int

native(157) static final operator(28) int ^ (int A, int B)

int | int

native(158) static final operator(28) int 

bool && bool

native(130) static final operator(30) bool && (bool A, skip bool B)

bool ^^ bool

native(131) static final operator(30) bool ^^ (bool A, bool B)

bool || bool

native(132) static final operator(32) bool 

byte *= byte


float *= float


int *= float


range *= float


range *= range


rotator *= float


vector *= float


vector *= vector


byte += byte


float += float


int += int


range += range


rotator += rotator


vector += vector


byte -= byte


float -= float


int -= int


range -= range


rotator -= rotator


vector -= vector


byte /= byte


float /= float


int /= float


range /= float


rotator /= float


vector /= float


string $ string

native(112) static final operator(40) string $ (coerce string A, coerce string B)

string @ string

native(168) static final operator(40) string @ (coerce string A, coerce string B)