My program doesn't have bugs. It just develops random features.

UE2:PawnProxy (U2XMP)

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U2XMP Object >> Actor >> Pawn >> PawnProxy


Direct subclasses:
PawnProxyPathing, PawnProxyTarget

PawnProxy.uc Created by: Mike Fox Created on: 1/31/2001 $Author: Mfox $ $Date: 8/22/02 8:57p $ $Revision: 7 $

Default values[edit]

Property Value
AirSpeed 280.0
bBlockActors False
bBlockPlayers False
bCanDoSpecial False
bCanOpenDoors False
bCanTeleport False
bStasis False
ControllerClass Class'U2.ControllerProxy'
DrawType DT_None
GroundSpeed 263.0
HearingThreshold 0.0
SightRadius 0.0
WaterSpeed 200.0