Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd
UE2:Pawn (UT2004)
- 1 Properties
- 2 Structs
- 3 Functions
- 4 States
- 4.1 Dying
- 4.1.1 Dying.AnimEnd
- 4.1.2 Dying.BaseChange
- 4.1.3 Dying.BeginState
- 4.1.4 Dying.ChangeAnimation
- 4.1.5 Dying.FellOutOfWorld
- 4.1.6 Dying.Landed
- 4.1.7 Dying.StopPlayFiring
- 4.1.8 Dying.TakeDamage
- 4.1.9 Dying.Timer
- 4.1.10 Dying.Died
- 4.1.11 Dying.LandThump
- 4.1.12 Dying.LieStill
- 4.1.13 Dying.PlayFiring
- 4.1.14 Dying.PlayNextAnimation
- 4.1.15 Dying.PlayTakeHit
- 4.1.16 Dying.PlayWeaponSwitch
- 4.1.17 Dying.ReduceCylinder
- 4.1 Dying
- Package:
- Engine
- Direct subclasses:
- RedeemerWarhead, Scout, UnrealPawn, Vehicle
- This class in other games:
- RTNP, U1, UT, UE2Runtime, UT2003, U2XMP, U2, UDK, UT3
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Pawn, the base class of all actors that can be controlled by players or AI.
Pawns are the physical representations of players and creatures in a level. Pawns have a mesh, collision, and physics. Pawns can take damage, make sounds, and hold weapons and other inventory. In short, they are responsible for all physical interaction between the player or AI and the world.
This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified.
Property group 'AI'[edit]
Type: name
tag of AIScript which should be associated with this pawn
Type: float
-1 to 1 ->Used within specific states for varying reaction to stimuli
Type: bool
can hear any sound in adjacent zone (if close enough to hear)
Type: bool
Hear sounds around one corner (slightly more expensive, and bLOSHearing must also be true)
Type: bool
if true, Pawn won't be possessed at game start
Type: bool
Default value: True
Type: bool
can hear sounds through walls (but muffled - sound distance increased to double plus 4x the distance through walls
Type: bool
can hear any sound in same zone (if close enough to hear)
Type: float
max distance at which a makenoise(1.0) loudness sound can be heard
Default value: 2800.0
Type: float
Cosine of limits of peripheral vision.
Type: float
Maximum seeing distance.
Default value: 5000.0
Property group 'AnimTweaks'[edit]
Type: float
time to blend between movement animations
Default value: 0.25
Property group 'Pawn'[edit]
Type: bool
if true, this pawn is capable of crouching
Type: float
CollisionHeight when driving a vehicle
Default value: 20.0
Type: float
CollisionRadius when driving a vehicle
Default value: 22.0
Type: HitFXData
Array size: 8
Type: int
Default value: 49153
Type: int
Default value: 18000
Type: float
skill modifier (same scale as game difficulty)
Property group 'Shield'[edit]
Type: float
Modifiers: transient
current shielding (having been activated)
Internal variables[edit]
Default values[edit]
Property | Value | ||||||||
bBlockActors | True | ||||||||
bCanBeDamaged | True | ||||||||
bCanTeleport | True | ||||||||
bCollideActors | True | ||||||||
bCollideWorld | True | ||||||||
bDirectional | True | ||||||||
bDisturbFluidSurface | True | ||||||||
bNoRepMesh | True | ||||||||
bOwnerNoSee | True | ||||||||
bProjTarget | True | ||||||||
bRotateToDesired | True | ||||||||
bShouldBaseAtStartup | True | ||||||||
bStasis | True | ||||||||
bTravel | True | ||||||||
bUpdateSimulatedPosition | True | ||||||||
bUseDynamicLights | True | ||||||||
CollisionHeight | 78.0 | ||||||||
CollisionRadius | 34.0 | ||||||||
DrawType | DT_Mesh | ||||||||
NetPriority | 2.0 | ||||||||
RemoteRole | ROLE_SimulatedProxy | ||||||||
RotationRate |
SoundRadius | 160.0 | ||||||||
SoundVolume | 255 | ||||||||
Texture | S_Pawn |
- name Bone
- class<DamageType> damtype
- bool bSever
- Object.Rotator rotDir
Static functions[edit]
Exec functions[edit]
Native functions[edit]
Native implementation:
int APawn::Get4WayDirection( void ) { float forward, right; FVector V; int dir; V = Velocity; V.Z = 0.0f; if ( V.IsNearlyZero() ) return 0; FCoords Coords = GMath.UnitCoords / Rotation; V.Normalize(); forward = Coords.XAxis | V; if (forward > 0.82f) // 55 degrees dir = 0; else if (forward < -0.82f) dir = 1; else { right = Coords.YAxis | V; if (right > 0.0f) dir = 3; else dir = 2; } return dir; }
Native implementation:
void APawn::SetTwistLook( int twist, int look ) { if (!bDoTorsoTwist) return; FRotator r(0,-twist + SmoothViewYaw - Rotation.Yaw,0); MeshInstance->SetBoneRotation(RootBone, r, 0, 1.0f); r.Yaw = -twist / 3; r.Pitch = 0; r.Roll = look / 4; ((USkeletalMeshInstance*)MeshInstance)->SetBoneDirection(HeadBone, r, FVector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), 1.0f, 0); ((USkeletalMeshInstance*)MeshInstance)->SetBoneDirection(SpineBone1, r, FVector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), 1.0f, 0); ((USkeletalMeshInstance*)MeshInstance)->SetBoneDirection(SpineBone2, r, FVector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), 1.0f, 0); }
Additionally, the following native code is executed when the Pawn is "ticked" (updated):
void APawn::UpdateTwistLook( float DeltaTime ) { if ( !bDoTorsoTwist || (Level->TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime > 0.5f) ) { SmoothViewPitch = ViewPitch; SmoothViewYaw = Rotation.Yaw; FootRot = Rotation.Yaw; FootTurning = false; FootStill = false; } else { INT YawDiff = (Rotation.Yaw - SmoothViewYaw) & 65535; if ( YawDiff != 0 ) { if ( YawDiff > 32768 ) YawDiff -= 65536; INT Update = INT(YawDiff * 15.f * DeltaTime); if ( Abs(YawDiff) > 12000 ) { if ( YawDiff > 12000 ) { SmoothViewYaw = SmoothViewYaw + YawDiff - 12000; YawDiff = 12000; } else { SmoothViewYaw = SmoothViewYaw + YawDiff + 12000; YawDiff = -12000; } } if ( Update == 0 ) Update = (YawDiff > 0) ? 1 : -1; SmoothViewYaw = (SmoothViewYaw + Update) & 65535; } INT t = (SmoothViewYaw - FootRot) & 65535; if (t > 32768) t -= 65536; if ((Velocity.X * Velocity.X + Velocity.Y * Velocity.Y) < 1000 && Physics == PHYS_Walking) { if (!FootStill) { FootStill = true; SmoothViewYaw = Rotation.Yaw; FootRot = Rotation.Yaw; t = 0; } } else { if (FootStill) { FootStill = false; FootTurning = true; } } if (FootTurning) { if (t > 10000) { FootRot = SmoothViewYaw - 10000; t = 10000; } else if (t > 2048) { FootRot += 16384*DeltaTime; } else if (t < -10000) { FootRot = SmoothViewYaw + 10000; t = -10000; } else if (t < -2048) { FootRot -= 16384*DeltaTime; } else { if (!FootStill) t = 0; FootTurning = false; } FootRot = FootRot & 65535; } else if (FootStill) { if (t > 10923) { TurnDir = 1; FootTurning = true; } else if (t < -10923) { TurnDir = -1; FootTurning = true; } } else { t = 0; } INT PitchDiff = (256*ViewPitch - SmoothViewPitch) & 65535; if ( PitchDiff != 0 ) { if ( PitchDiff > 32768 ) PitchDiff -= 65536; INT Update = INT(PitchDiff * 5.f * DeltaTime); if ( Update == 0 ) Update = (PitchDiff > 0) ? 1 : -1; SmoothViewPitch = (SmoothViewPitch + Update) & 65535; } INT look = SmoothViewPitch; if (look > 32768) look -= 65536; SetTwistLook(t, look); } }
Other native code[edit]
Team beacon drawing[edit]
void APawn::PostRender(FLevelSceneNode* SceneNode, FRenderInterface* RI) { guard(APawn::PostRender); // Render team beacon if ( !SceneNode || !SceneNode->Viewport || !SceneNode->Viewport->Actor ) return; if ( bScriptPostRender ) { FVector camLoc = SceneNode->WorldToCamera.TransformFVector(Location + FVector(0.f,0.f,CollisionHeight)); FPlane screenLoc = SceneNode->Project(SceneNode->CameraToWorld.TransformFVector(camLoc)); screenLoc.X = (SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->ClipX * 0.5f * (screenLoc.X + 1.f)); screenLoc.Y = (SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->ClipY * 0.5f * (-screenLoc.Y + 1.f)); eventPostRender2D(SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas,screenLoc.X, screenLoc.Y); return; } if ( bNoTeamBeacon || ((SceneNode->Viewport->Actor->ViewTarget == this) && (SceneNode->Viewport->Actor->Pawn == this)) || ((SceneNode->Viewport->Actor->ViewTarget == DrivenVehicle) && (SceneNode->Viewport->Actor->Pawn == DrivenVehicle)) ) return; APlayerController* pc = SceneNode->Viewport->Actor; UBOOL bSpectating = pc->PlayerReplicationInfo ? (pc->PlayerReplicationInfo->bOnlySpectator && !pc->bHideSpectatorBeacons) : false; int playerTeamIndex = -1; if ( !bSpectating ) { if (pc->PlayerReplicationInfo && pc->PlayerReplicationInfo->Team) playerTeamIndex = pc->PlayerReplicationInfo->Team->TeamIndex; if (playerTeamIndex < 0 || playerTeamIndex > 1) return; } int teamIndex = -1; APlayerReplicationInfo *MyPRI = PlayerReplicationInfo; if ( !MyPRI && DrivenVehicle ) MyPRI = DrivenVehicle->PlayerReplicationInfo; if (MyPRI && MyPRI->Team) teamIndex = MyPRI->Team->TeamIndex; else if ( DrivenVehicle ) teamIndex = DrivenVehicle->Team; if ( teamIndex == -1 ) return; if ( !bSpectating && (teamIndex != playerTeamIndex) ) return; UTexture* teamBeacon = pc->TeamBeaconTexture; if ( !teamBeacon ) return; FVector ActorScreenLoc = SceneNode->WorldToScreen.TransformFVector(Location); FLOAT actorDist = pc->FOVBias * ActorScreenLoc.Z; FLOAT ScaledDist = pc->TeamBeaconMaxDist * ::Clamp(0.04f * CollisionRadius,1.f,2.f); if ( actorDist < 0.f ) return; if ( actorDist > ScaledDist ) { if ( actorDist > 2.f * ScaledDist ) return; ActorScreenLoc.Z = 0.f; if ( ActorScreenLoc.SizeSquared() > 0.02f * actorDist * actorDist ) return; } if (!pc->LineOfSightTo(this)) return; FPlane color = (teamIndex == 0) ? FPlane(1.f,0.25f,0.25f,1.f) : FPlane(0.25f,0.35f,1.f,1.f); if ( teamIndex > 1 ) color = (teamIndex == 2) ? FPlane(0.f,1.f,0.25f,1.f) : FPlane(1.f,1.f,0.f,1.f); // look for matching attachment FLOAT xscale = Clamp(0.28f * (ScaledDist - actorDist)/ScaledDist,0.1f, 0.25f); if ( !DrivenVehicle && !bSpectating && pc->LinkBeaconTexture ) { for ( INT i=0; i<Attached.Num(); i++ ) { AWeaponAttachment* AttachedWeapon = Cast<AWeaponAttachment>(Attached(i)); if ( AttachedWeapon && AttachedWeapon->bMatchWeapons ) { teamBeacon = pc->LinkBeaconTexture; color = AttachedWeapon->BeaconColor; break; } } } if ( pc->myHUD && pc->myHUD->PortraitPRI && (pc->myHUD->PortraitPRI ==PlayerReplicationInfo) && pc->SpeakingBeaconTexture ) { teamBeacon = pc->SpeakingBeaconTexture; xscale *= 3.f; } FLOAT farAwayInv = 1.f/pc->TeamBeaconPlayerInfoMaxDist; FLOAT height = CollisionHeight * Clamp(0.85f + actorDist * 0.85f * farAwayInv, 1.1f, 1.75f); FVector camLoc = SceneNode->WorldToCamera.TransformFVector(Location+FVector(0.0f,0.0f,height)); FPlane screenLoc = SceneNode->Project(SceneNode->CameraToWorld.TransformFVector(camLoc)); screenLoc.X = (SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->ClipX * 0.5f * (screenLoc.X + 1.f)) - 0.5*teamBeacon->USize*xscale; screenLoc.Y = (SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->ClipY * 0.5f * (-screenLoc.Y + 1.f)) - 0.5*teamBeacon->VSize*xscale; SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->Style = STY_AlphaZ; SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->DrawTile( teamBeacon, screenLoc.X, screenLoc.Y, teamBeacon->USize*xscale, teamBeacon->VSize*xscale, 0.f, 0.f, teamBeacon->USize, teamBeacon->VSize, 0.f, color, FPlane(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); if ( !GIsPixomatic && (actorDist < pc->TeamBeaconPlayerInfoMaxDist) && (SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->ClipX > 600) ) { FLOAT xL, yL; FString info; if ( MyPRI ) { if ( MyPRI->bBot ) info +=(MyPRI->eventGetNameCallSign()); else info +=(MyPRI->PlayerName); } info += TEXT(" ("); info += appItoa(Health); info += TEXT(")"); SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->ClippedStrLen( SceneNode->Viewport->Canvas->SmallFont, 1.f, 1.f, xL, yL, *info); INT index = pc->PlayerNameArray.AddZeroed(); pc->PlayerNameArray(index).mInfo = info; pc->PlayerNameArray(index).mColor = color; pc->PlayerNameArray(index).mXPos = screenLoc.X; pc->PlayerNameArray(index).mYPos = screenLoc.Y - yL; } unguard; }
Movement animations[edit]
void APawn::UpdateMovementAnimation( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ) { guard(APawn::UpdateMovementAnimation); if ( Level->NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer ) return; if( bPlayedDeath ) return; if (Level->TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime > 1.0) { FootRot = Rotation.Yaw; FootTurning = false; FootStill = false; return; } Mesh->MeshGetInstance(this); if (MeshInstance == NULL) return; BaseEyeHeight = ((APawn *)(GetClass()->GetDefaultActor()))->BaseEyeHeight; if ( bIsIdle && Physics != OldPhysics ) { bWaitForAnim = false; } if ( !bWaitForAnim ) { if ( Physics == PHYS_Swimming ) { BaseEyeHeight *= 0.7f; UpdateSwimming(); } else if ( Physics == PHYS_Falling || Physics == PHYS_Flying ) { BaseEyeHeight *= 0.7f; UpdateInAir(); } else if ( Physics == PHYS_Walking || Physics == PHYS_Ladder || Physics == PHYS_Spider ) { UpdateOnGround(); } } else if ( !IsAnimating(0) ) bWaitForAnim = false; if ( Physics != PHYS_Walking ) bIsIdle = false; OldPhysics = Physics; OldVelocity = Velocity; if (bDoTorsoTwist) UpdateTwistLook( DeltaSeconds ); unguard; } void APawn::UpdateSwimming( void ) { if ( (Velocity.X*Velocity.X + Velocity.Y*Velocity.Y) < 2500.0f ) PlayAnim(0, IdleSwimAnim, 1.0f, 0.1f, true); else PlayAnim(0, SwimAnims[Get4WayDirection()], 1.0f, 0.1f, true); } void APawn::UpdateInAir( void ) { FName NewAnim; bool bUp, bDodge; float DodgeSpeedThresh; int Dir; float XYVelocitySquared; XYVelocitySquared = (Velocity.X*Velocity.X)+(Velocity.Y*Velocity.Y); bDodge = false; if ( OldPhysics == PHYS_Walking ) { DodgeSpeedThresh = ((GroundSpeed*DodgeSpeedFactor) + GroundSpeed) * 0.5f; if ( XYVelocitySquared > DodgeSpeedThresh*DodgeSpeedThresh ) { bDodge = true; } } bUp = (Velocity.Z >= 0.0f); if (XYVelocitySquared >= 20000.0f) { Dir = Get4WayDirection(); if (bDodge) { NewAnim = DodgeAnims[Dir]; bWaitForAnim = true; } else if (bUp) { NewAnim = TakeoffAnims[Dir]; } else { NewAnim = AirAnims[Dir]; } } else { if (bUp) { NewAnim = TakeoffStillAnim; } else { NewAnim = AirStillAnim; } } if ( NewAnim != MeshInstance->GetActiveAnimSequence(0) ) { if ( PhysicsVolume->Gravity.Z > 0.8f * (Cast<APhysicsVolume>(PhysicsVolume->GetClass()->GetDefaultActor()))->Gravity.Z ) PlayAnim(0, NewAnim, 0.5f, 0.2f, false); else PlayAnim(0, NewAnim, 1.0f, 0.1f, false); } } void APawn::UpdateOnGround( void ) { // just landed if ( OldPhysics == PHYS_Falling || OldPhysics == PHYS_Flying ) { PlayLand(); } // standing still else if ( Velocity.SizeSquared() < 2500.0f /*&& Acceleration.SizeSquared() < 0.01f*/ ) { if (!bIsIdle || FootTurning || bIsCrouched != bWasCrouched) { IdleTime = Level->TimeSeconds; PlayIdle(); } bWasCrouched = bIsCrouched; bIsIdle = true; } // running else { if ( bIsIdle ) bWaitForAnim = false; PlayRunning(); bIsIdle = false; } } void APawn::PlayIdle( void ) { if (FootTurning) { if (TurnDir == 1) { if (bIsCrouched) PlayAnim(0, CrouchTurnRightAnim, 1.0f, 0.1f, true); else PlayAnim(0, TurnRightAnim, 1.0f, 0.1f, true); } else { if (bIsCrouched) PlayAnim(0, CrouchTurnLeftAnim, 1.0f, 0.1f, true); else PlayAnim(0, TurnLeftAnim, 1.0f, 0.1f, true); } } else { if (bIsCrouched) { PlayAnim(0, IdleCrouchAnim, 1.0f, 0.1f, true); } else { if ( bIsTyping ) PlayAnim(0, IdleChatAnim, 1.0f, 0.2f, true); else if (Level->TimeSeconds - IdleTime < 5.0f && IdleWeaponAnim != NAME_None) { PlayAnim(0, IdleWeaponAnim, 1.0f, 0.25f, true); } else { PlayAnim(0, IdleRestAnim, 1.0f, 0.25f, true); } } } } void APawn::PlayRunning( void ) { FName NewAnim; int NewAnimDir; float AnimSpeed; NewAnimDir = Get4WayDirection(); AnimSpeed = 1.1f * ((APawn *)(GetClass()->GetDefaultActor()))->GroundSpeed; if (bIsCrouched) { NewAnim = CrouchAnims[NewAnimDir]; AnimSpeed *= CrouchedPct; } else if (bIsWalking) { NewAnim = WalkAnims[NewAnimDir]; AnimSpeed *= WalkingPct; } else { NewAnim = MovementAnims[NewAnimDir]; } PlayAnim(0, NewAnim, Velocity.Size() / AnimSpeed, 0.1f, true); OldAnimDir = NewAnimDir; } void APawn::PlayLand( void ) { if (!bIsCrouched) { PlayAnim(0, LandAnims[Get4WayDirection()], 1.0f, 0.1f, false); bWaitForAnim = true; } }
See Pawn events.
Other instance functions[edit]
Ignores: BreathTimer, Bump, Falling, HeadVolumeChange, HitWall, PhysicsVolumeChange, Trigger
Overrides: AnimEnd (global)
Overrides: BaseChange (global)
Overrides: Object.BeginState (global)
Overrides: ChangeAnimation (global)
Overrides: FellOutOfWorld (global)
Overrides: Landed (global)
Overrides: StopPlayFiring (global)
Overrides: TakeDamage (global)
Overrides: Actor.Timer (global)
Overrides: Died (global)
Overrides: PlayFiring (global)
Overrides: PlayTakeHit (global)
Overrides: PlayWeaponSwitch (global)