UE2:UT2K4SPTab_Qualification (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

Single Player Qualification menu

Written by Michiel Hendriks (c) 2003, Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Default values

Property Value
EntryLabels[0] "Tutorial"
EntryLabels[1] "One on One"
EntryLabels[2] "Cut-throat Deathmatch"
EntryLabels[3] "Cut-throat Deathmatch"
EntryLabels[4] "Five-way Deathmatch"
EntryLabels[5] "Draft your team then defeat them"
LadderId 0
PanelCaption "Qualification"

Instance functions


function selectNextMatch ()

Overrides: UT2K4SPTab_SingleLadder.selectNextMatch

Select the next match, if total play time = 0 minutes and no match has been finished, auto select the tutorial