UE3:Console (UDK)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
(Redirected from UE3:AutoCompleteNode (UDK))
UDK Object >> UIRoot >> Interaction >> Console
Within class:
Direct subclass:
This class in other games:

Console - A quick little command line console that accepts most commands.



Value: 16

  1. of command history to remember.



Type: int

Modifiers: transient

Currently selected auto complete index


Type: array<int>

Modifiers: transient

Current list of matching commands for auto-complete,

See: UpdateCompleteIndices()


Type: array<AutoCompleteCommand>

Modifiers: transient

Full list of auto-complete commands and info


Type: AutoCompleteNode

Modifiers: native, transient


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient

Is the current auto-complete selection locked


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient

Indicates that InputChar events should be captured to prevent them from being passed on to other interactions. Reset when the another keydown event is received.


Type: bool

True while a control key is pressed.


Type: bool

Modifiers: config


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient

Do we need to rebuild auto complete?


Type: bool

Modifiers: transient

tracks whether the user is using arrows keys to navigate the history, so that auto-complete doesn't override


Type: bool

Modifiers: config

Should the user be required to hold ctrl to use the up/down arrows when navigating auto-complete


Type: UILabel


Type: name

Modifiers: globalconfig

The key which opens the console.

Default value: 'Tilde'


Type: LocalPlayer

The player which the next console command should be executed in the context of. If NULL, execute in the viewport.


Type: Texture2D

Default value: Texture2D'EngineResources.Black'


Type: Texture2D

Default value: Texture2D'EngineResources.WhiteSquareTexture'


Type: string

Array size: 16 (MaxHistory)

Modifiers: config

tracks previously entered console commands


Type: int

Modifiers: config

index into the History array for the earliest command that was entered

Default value: -1


Type: int

Modifiers: config

the index of the current position in the History array


Type: int

Modifiers: config

index into the History array for the latest command that was entered


Type: ConsoleEntry


Type: UIScene


Type: array<AutoCompleteCommand>

Modifiers: config

Manual list of auto-complete commands and info specified in BaseInput.ini

Default value, index 0:

Member Value
Command "Exit"
Desc "Exit (Exits the game)"

Default value, index 1:

Member Value
Command "Open"
Desc "Open <MapName> (Opens the specified map)"

Default value, index 2:

Member Value
Command "DisplayAll"
Desc "DisplayAll <ClassName> <PropertyName> (Display property values for instances of classname)"

Default value, index 3:

Member Value
Command "DisplayAllState"
Desc "DisplayAllState <ClassName> (Display state names for all instances of classname)"

Default value, index 4:

Member Value
Command "DisplayClear"
Desc "DisplayClear (Clears previous DisplayAll entries)"

Default value, index 5:

Member Value
Command "FlushPersistentDebugLines"
Desc "FlushPersistentDebugLines (Clears persistent debug line cache)"

Default value, index 6:

Member Value
Command "GetAll "
Desc "GetAll <ClassName> <PropertyName> (Log property values of all instances of classname)"

Default value, index 7:

Member Value
Command "GetAllState"
Desc "GetAllState <ClassName> (Log state names for all instances of classname)"

Default value, index 8:

Member Value
Command "Obj List "
Desc "Obj List <Class=ClassName> <Type=MetaClass> <Outer=OuterObject> <Package=InsidePackage> <Inside=InsideObject>"

Default value, index 9:

Member Value
Command "Obj ListContentRefs"
Desc "Obj ListContentRefs <Class=ClassName> <ListClass=ClassName>"

Default value, index 10:

Member Value
Command "Obj Classes"
Desc "Obj Classes (Shows all classes)"

Default value, index 11:

Member Value
Command "EditActor"
Desc "EditActor <Class=ClassName> or <Name=ObjectName> or TRACE"

Default value, index 12:

Member Value
Command "EditDefault"
Desc "EditDefault <Class=ClassName>"

Default value, index 13:

Member Value
Command "EditObject"
Desc "EditObject <Class=ClassName> or <Name=ObjectName> or <ObjectName>"

Default value, index 14:

Member Value
Command "ReloadCfg "
Desc "ReloadCfg <Class/ObjectName> (Reloads config variables for the specified object/class)"

Default value, index 15:

Member Value
Command "ReloadLoc "
Desc "ReloadLoc <Class/ObjectName> (Reloads localized variables for the specified object/class)"

Default value, index 16:

Member Value
Command "Set "
Desc "Set <ClassName> <PropertyName> <Value> (Sets property to value on objectname)"

Default value, index 17:

Member Value
Command "Show BOUNDS"
Desc "Show BOUNDS (Displays bounding boxes for all visible objects)"

Default value, index 18:

Member Value
Command "Show BSP"
Desc "Show BSP (Toggles BSP rendering)"

Default value, index 19:

Member Value
Command "Show COLLISION"
Desc "Show COLLISION (Toggles collision rendering)"

Default value, index 20:

Member Value
Command "Show COVER"
Desc "Show COVER (Toggles cover rendering)"

Default value, index 21:

Member Value
Command "Show DECALS"
Desc "Show DECALS (Toggles decal rendering)"

Default value, index 22:

Member Value
Command "Show FOG"
Desc "Show FOG (Toggles fog rendering)"

Default value, index 23:

Member Value
Desc "Show LEVELCOLORATION (Toggles per-level coloration)"

Default value, index 24:

Member Value
Command "Show PATHS"
Desc "Show PATHS (Toggles path rendering)"

Default value, index 25:

Member Value
Command "Show POSTPROCESS"
Desc "Show POSTPROCESS (Toggles post process rendering)"

Default value, index 26:

Member Value
Command "Show SKELMESHES"
Desc "Show SKELMESHES (Toggles skeletal mesh rendering)"

Default value, index 27:

Member Value
Command "Show TERRAIN"
Desc "Show TERRAIN (Toggles terrain rendering)"

Default value, index 28:

Member Value
Command "Show VOLUMES"
Desc "Show VOLUMES (Toggles volume rendering)"

Default value, index 29:

Member Value
Command "Show SPLINES"
Desc "Show SPLINES (Toggles spline rendering)"

Default value, index 30:

Member Value
Command "Stat FPS"
Desc "Stat FPS (Shows FPS counter)"

Default value, index 31:

Member Value
Command "Stat UNIT"
Desc "Stat UNIT (Shows hardware unit framerate)"

Default value, index 32:

Member Value
Command "Stat LEVELS"
Desc "Stat LEVELS (Displays level streaming info)"

Default value, index 33:

Member Value
Command "Stat GAME"
Desc "Stat GAME (Displays game performance stats)"

Default value, index 34:

Member Value
Command "Stat MEMORY"
Desc "Stat MEMORY (Displays memory stats)"

Default value, index 35:

Member Value
Command "Stat XBOXMEMORY"
Desc "Stat XBOXMEMORY (Displays Xbox memory stats while playing on PC)"

Default value, index 36:

Member Value
Command "Stat PHYSICS"
Desc "Stat PHYSICS (Displays physics performance stats)"

Default value, index 37:

Member Value
Command "Stat STREAMING"

Default value, index 38:

Member Value
Command "Stat COLLISION"

Default value, index 39:

Member Value
Command "Stat PARTICLES"

Default value, index 40:

Member Value
Command "Stat SCRIPT"
Desc "Stat SCRIPT"

Default value, index 41:

Member Value
Command "Stat AUDIO"
Desc "Stat AUDIO"

Default value, index 42:

Member Value
Command "Stat ANIM"
Desc "Stat ANIM"

Default value, index 43:

Member Value
Command "Stat NET"
Desc "Stat NET"

Default value, index 44:

Member Value
Command "Stat LIST"
Desc "Stat LIST Groups/Sets/Group (List groups of stats, saved sets, or specific stats within a specified group)"

Default value, index 45:

Member Value
Command "ListTextures"
Desc "ListTextures (Lists all loaded textures and their current memory footprint)"

Default value, index 46:

Member Value
Command "RestartLevel"
Desc "RestartLevel (restarts the level)"

Default value, index 47:

Member Value
Command "ListSounds"
Desc "ListSounds (Lists all the loaded sounds and their memory footprint)"

Default value, index 48:

Member Value
Command "ListWaves"
Desc "ListWaves (List the WaveInstances and whether they have a source)"

Default value, index 49:

Member Value
Command "ListSoundClasses"
Desc "ListSoundClasses (Lists a summary of loaded sound collated by class)"

Default value, index 50:

Member Value
Command "ListSoundModes"
Desc "ListSoundModes (Lists loaded sound modes)"

Default value, index 51:

Member Value
Command "ListAudioComponents"
Desc "ListAudioComponents (Dumps a detailed list of all AudioComponent objects)"

Default value, index 52:

Member Value
Command "ListSoundDurations"
Desc "ListSoundDurations"

Default value, index 53:

Member Value
Command "PlaySoundCue"
Desc "PlaySoundCue (Lists a summary of loaded sound collated by class)"

Default value, index 54:

Member Value
Command "PlaySoundWave"
Desc "PlaySoundWave"

Default value, index 55:

Member Value
Command "SetSoundMode"
Desc "SetSoundMode <ModeName>"

Default value, index 56:

Member Value
Command "DisableLowPassFilter"
Desc "DisableLowPassFilter"

Default value, index 57:

Member Value
Command "DisableEQFilter"
Desc "DisableEQFilter"

Default value, index 58:

Member Value
Command "IsolateDryAudio"
Desc "IsolateDryAudio"

Default value, index 59:

Member Value
Command "IsolateReverb"
Desc "IsolateReverb"

Default value, index 60:

Member Value
Command "ResetSoundState"
Desc "ResetSoundState (Resets volumes to default and removes test filters)"

Default value, index 61:

Member Value
Command "ModifySoundClass"
Desc "ModifySoundClass <SoundClassName> Vol=<new volume>"


Type: int

Modifiers: globalconfig

Visible Console stuff

Default value: 1024


Type: ConsoleEntry


Type: UIScene


Type: int

Where in the scrollback buffer are we


Type: int

Where in the scrollback buffer are we


Type: array<string>

Holds the scrollback buffer


Type: string

The command the user is currently typing.


Type: int

Current position in TypedStr


Type: name

Modifiers: globalconfig

The key which opens the typing bar.

Default value: 'Tab'

Default values



Modifiers: native

string Command
string Desc


Modifiers: native

Node for storing an auto-complete tree based on each char in the command

int IndexChar
Char for node in the tree
array<int> AutoCompleteListIndices
Indicies into AutoCompleteList for commands that match to this level
array<pointer{FAutoCompleteNode}> ChildNodes
Children for further matching


Native functions


final native function BuildRuntimeAutoCompleteList (optional bool bForce)


native function UpdateCompleteIndices ()



event OutputText (coerce string Text)

Prints a (potentially multi-line) string of text to the console. The text is split into separate lines and passed to OutputTextLine.


  • Text - Text to display on the console.

Other instance functions


function AppendInputText (string Text)

appends the specified text to the string of typed text


function ClearOutput ()

Clears the console output buffer.


function ConsoleCommand (string Command)

Executes a console command.


  • Command - The command to execute.


function FlushPlayerInput ()

Clears out all pressed keys from the player's input object.


function Initialized ()

Overrides: Interaction.Initialized

Called when the Console is added to the GameViewportClient's Interactions array.


function bool InputChar (int ControllerId, string Unicode)

Process a character input event (typing) routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function.


  • ControllerId - the controller that generated this character input event
  • Unicode - the character that was typed


True to consume the character, false to pass it on.


function bool InputKey (int ControllerId, name Key, Object.EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed, bool bGamepad)

Process an input key event routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function.


  • ControllerId - the controller that generated this input key event
  • Key - the name of the key which an event occured for (KEY_Up, KEY_Down, etc.)
  • EventType - the type of event which occured (pressed, released, etc.)
  • AmountDepressed - for analog keys, the depression percent.


true to consume the key event, false to pass it on.


function bool IsUIConsoleOpen ()


function bool IsUIMiniConsoleOpen ()


function OutputTextLine (coerce string Text)

Prints a single line of text to the console.


  • Text - A line of text to display on the console.


function PostRender_Console (Canvas Canvas)


function bool ProcessControlKey (name Key, Object.EInputEvent Event)

looks for Control key presses and the copy/paste combination that apply to both the console bar and the full open console


function PurgeCommandFromHistory (string Command)

Searches console command history and removes any entries matching the specified command.


  • Command - The command to search for and purge from the history.


function SetCursorPos (int Position)


function SetInputText (string Text)


function StartTyping (coerce string Text)

Opens the typing bar with text already entered.


  • Text - The text to enter in the typing bar.




event BeginState (name PreviousStateName)

Overrides: Object.BeginState (global)

Called immediately when entering a state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change (before any state code is executed).


event EndState (name NextStateName)

Overrides: Object.EndState (global)

Called immediately before going out of the current state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, and before BeginState() is called within the new state.


event PostRender_Console (Canvas Canvas)

Overrides: PostRender_Console (global)


function bool InputChar (int ControllerId, string Unicode)

Overrides: InputChar (global)

(Description copied from Console.InputChar)
Process a character input event (typing) routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function.


  • ControllerId - the controller that generated this character input event
  • Unicode - the character that was typed


True to consume the character, false to pass it on.


function bool InputKey (int ControllerId, name Key, Object.EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed, bool bGamepad)

Overrides: InputKey (global)

Process an input key event routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function.


  • ControllerId - the controller that generated this input key event
  • Key - the name of the key which an event occured for (KEY_Up, KEY_Down, etc.)
  • EventType - the type of event which occured (pressed, released, etc.)
  • AmountDepressed - for analog keys, the depression percent.


true to consume the key event, false to pass it on.


This state is used when the typing bar is open.


event BeginState (name PreviousStateName)

Overrides: Object.BeginState (global)

Called immediately when entering a state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change (before any state code is executed).


event EndState (name NextStateName)

Overrides: Object.EndState (global)

Called immediately before going out of the current state, while within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, and before BeginState() is called within the new state.


event PostRender_Console (Canvas Canvas)

Overrides: PostRender_Console (global)


function bool InputChar (int ControllerId, string Unicode)

Overrides: InputChar (global)

Process a character input event (typing) routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function.


  • ControllerId - the controller that generated this character input event
  • Unicode - the character that was typed


True to consume the character, false to pass it on.


function bool InputKey (int ControllerId, name Key, Object.EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed, bool bGamepad)

Overrides: InputKey (global)

Process an input key event routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function.


  • ControllerId - the controller that generated this input key event
  • Key - the name of the key which an event occured for (KEY_Up, KEY_Down, etc.)
  • EventType - the type of event which occured (pressed, released, etc.)
  • AmountDepressed - for analog keys, the depression percent.


true to consume the key event, false to pass it on.