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UE3:GeomModifier_Pen (UDK)

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UDK Object >> GeomModifier >> GeomModifier_Edit >> GeomModifier_Pen

Allows the user to place verts in an orthographic viewport and create a brush afterwards.


Property group 'Settings'[edit]


Type: bool

If TRUE, the shape will be automatically extruded into a brush upon completion.

Default value: True


Type: bool

If TRUE, the resulting shape will be turned into an ABrushShape actor.


Type: bool

If TRUE, the tool will try and optimize the resulting triangles into convex polygons before creating the brush.

Default value: True


Type: int

How far to extrude the newly created brush if bAutoExtrude is set to TRUE.

Default value: 256

Internal variables[edit]


Type: array<Object.Vector>

The vertices that the user has dropped down in the world so far.


Type: Object.Vector

The mouse position, in world space, where the user currently is hovering.

Default values[edit]

Property Value
Description "Pen"