UE3:UIAction_DataStore (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceOp >> SequenceAction >> UIAction >> UIAction_DataStore
Direct subclasses:
UIAction_DataStoreField, UIAction_GetCellValue, UIAction_PublishValue, UIAction_RefreshBindingValue, UIAction_SetDatastoreBinding

Base class for all actions that manipulate data store bindings.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Property group 'UIAction_DataStore'


Type: int

For widgets that support multiple data store bindings, indicates which data store this action is associated with A value of -1 indicates that this action should operate on all data store bindings.

Default value: -1

Default values

Property Value
bAutoTargetOwner True
ObjCategory "Data Store"
ObjName "Data Store"