UE3:UIEvent_ProcessInput (UDK)

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UDK Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceOp >> SequenceEvent >> UIEvent >> UIEvent_ProcessInput
This class in other games:

This specialized UIEvent responds to input key events generated by the system. Unlike other event classes, this event class executes different actions depending on the input key that caused the event to be activated.

Widgets must contain a UIEvent_ProcessInput in their list of implemented events in order to process input events.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Type: Object.MultiMap_Mirror{TMultiMap<FName,FInputKeyAction>}

Modifiers: native, transient

Contains the list of input keys which are currently active, along with the optional UIActions that should be activated when the input event is received. Initialized when the owning widget is initialized, and updated as UIStates add and remove input keys so that actions here always represent the set of actions the widget can currently respond to.

Input key events that are handled natively will typically not have an associated UIAction. For those that do, the native code will be executed first, then the UIAction will be activated.

Default values

Property Value
bPropagateEvent False
bShouldRegisterEvent False
Description "Executes actions in response to an input event, such as a keypress or mouse movement"
ObjName "Handle Input"



event bool IsValidUISequenceObject (optional UIScreenObject TargetObject)

Overrides: UIEvent.IsValidUISequenceObject

Determines whether this class should be displayed in the list of available ops in the UI's kismet editor.


  • TargetObject - the widget that this SequenceObject would be attached to.


TRUE if this sequence object should be available for use in the UI kismet editor