I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin
UE3:UTRemoteRedeemer_Content (UT3)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Object >> Actor >> Pawn >> Vehicle >> UTRemoteRedeemer >> UTRemoteRedeemer_Content |
- Package:
- UTGameContent
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Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Default values[edit]
Property | Value |
AccelRate | 2000.0 |
AirSpeed | 1000.0 |
BaseEyeHeight | 0.0 |
bAttachDriver | False |
bBlockActors | False |
bCanTeleport | False |
bCanUse | False |
bCollideActors | False |
bDirectHitWall | True |
bNetInitialRotation | True |
bSimulateGravity | False |
bSpecialHUD | True |
CameraEffect | PostProcessChain'UN_LensTypes.RedeemerPostProcess' |
Components[1] | AudioComponent'AmbientSoundComponent' |
Components[2] | StaticMeshComponent'WRocketMesh' |
Components[3] | UTParticleSystemComponent'TrailComponent' |
DriverDamageMult | 1.0 |
EyeHeight | 0.0 |
LandMovementState | 'PlayerFlying' |
NetPriority | 3.0 |
PawnAmbientSound | AudioComponent'AmbientSoundComponent' |
Physics | PHYS_Flying |
RedeemerProjClass | Class'UTGameContent.UTProj_Redeemer' |
TeamCameraMaterials[0] | MaterialInstanceConstant'UN_LensTypes.Materials.MI_FX_RedeemerCam_Red' |
TeamCameraMaterials[1] | MaterialInstanceConstant'UN_LensTypes.Materials.MI_FX_RedeemerCam_Blue' |
Trail | UTParticleSystemComponent'TrailComponent' |
Class: Engine.AudioComponent
Property | Value |
bShouldRemainActiveIfDropped | True |
bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed | True |
Class: Engine.CylinderComponent
Inherits from: UTRemoteRedeemer.CollisionCylinder
Property | Value | ||||||||
BlockActors | False | ||||||||
CollisionHeight | 12.0 | ||||||||
CollisionRadius | 20.0 | ||||||||
Translation |
Class: UTGame.UTParticleSystemComponent
Property | Value |
bOwnerNoSee | True |
Class: Engine.StaticMeshComponent
Property | Value | ||||||||
BlockActors | False | ||||||||
BlockRigidBody | False | ||||||||
bOwnerNoSee | True | ||||||||
bUseAsOccluder | False | ||||||||
CachedCullDistance | 20000.0 | ||||||||
CollideActors | False | ||||||||
CullDistance | 20000.0 | ||||||||
Scale | 3.0 | ||||||||
StaticMesh | StaticMesh'WP_AVRiL.Mesh.S_WP_AVRiL_Missile' | ||||||||
Translation |