Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
UE3:UT MDB GameExp (UT3)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- Package:
- UT_GameDex
- Known custom subclass:
- UTM_BloodLust (UT3)
//=================================================== // Class: UT_MDB_GameExp // Creation Date: 06/12/2007 08:10 // Last Updated: 18/04/2010 21:06 // Contributors: 00zX //--------------------------------------------------- //TODO: Expanded Tag Support - // Can be used to auto assign groups based on what adjustments are made. //Removed Redundant function calls //Moved Info Attachments to Gamerules objects //Killed the ObjectList and put the list functionality in this class //Moved FactoryData and ItemReplacer functionality out to GameRules object subclasses //Started readying things for UTM_ prefix class depreciation //Added new GameInfo object, moved all LogObj and associated functionality that was in this class there //Added new EventNotifier object and plugged it in here // -This allows removal of linked list call stack where needed (at the cost of 1 larger for loop and a smaller foreach loop {more list hybridization}) // -GameRules objects with only certain notifies will have their functions called (no redundant calls to virtual voids) //--------------------------------------------------- // Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode //=================================================== class UT_MDB_GameExp extends UTMutator abstract; `include(MOD.uci) /** Version number for this Game Expasion Mutator. */ Const MutVer = 2.72; /* Gametype Data Object */ var UT_MDB_GameInfo GameData; /** GameRules Objects - Hybrid Array/List */ var protected array<UT_MDB_GameRules> GameRulesList; //// //Utility Functions for GameRulesList //TODO: Could make this a function of GameData; final function UT_GR_Info GetMasterGameRules() { local GameRules MasterGameRules; MasterGameRules = WorldInfo.Game.GameRulesModifiers; //Spawn the Master GameRules for GameDex if(MasterGameRules == none) { WorldInfo.Game.AddGameRules(class'UT_GameDex.UT_GR_Info'); MasterGameRules = WorldInfo.Game.GameRulesModifiers; UT_GR_Info(MasterGameRules).GameExp = self; } //TODO: Search for class if other non-GameDex mutators are used. return UT_GR_Info(MasterGameRules); } //Returns none if next is none, returns object if found. //FIXME: It is a possibility that 'this' will not be in the list at all //which would mean, Find will fail returning index_none and breakin the return final function UT_MDB_GameRules GetNextGameRules(UT_MDB_GameRules this) { local int idx; idx = self.GameRulesList.Find(this); return self.GameRulesList[idx+1]; } final function UT_MDB_GameRules GetBaseGameRules() { return self.GameRulesList[0]; } //Returns first instance of GameRules matching class //Or creates a new instance of GameRules and returns that final function UT_MDB_GameRules UpdateGameRules(class<UT_MDB_GameRules> GRC) { local UT_MDB_GameRules GR; for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) { if(GR.Class == GRC) return GR; } GR = new(self)GRC; self.GameRulesList.Additem(GR); GR.Init(); return GR; } //// //Utility Functions for GroupNames final function AddGroupName(string G) { local int idx; idx = GroupNames.find(G); if(idx != INDEX_NONE) GroupNames.Additem(G); } final function RemoveGroupName(string G) { local int idx; idx = GroupNames.find(G); if(idx != INDEX_NONE) GroupNames.Removeitem(G); } //// function GetServerDetails(out GameInfo.ServerResponseLine ServerState) { local UT_MDB_GameRules GR; local int i; Super.GetServerDetails(ServerState); i = ServerState.ServerInfo.Length; ServerState.ServerInfo.Length = i+1; ServerState.ServerInfo[i].Key = "GameDex"; ServerState.ServerInfo[i++].Value = "v"$MutVer; for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) { //All GameRules get this method called regardless of Notifys GR.GetServerDetails(ServerState); } } //// //TODO: Tidy everything up in this case. event Destroyed(); function ModifyLogin(out string Portal, out string Options) { Super.ModifyLogin(Portal, Options); if(NextMutator == None) `logd("Logged in!",,'GameExp'); } //// event PreBeginPlay() { `LogdFuncN() } event PostBeginPlay() { local UT_MDB_GameRules GR; local UT_MDB_EventNotifier.NotifyMode HandleNotify; `LogdFuncN() Super.PostBeginPlay(); for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) foreach GR.EventNotifier.Notifies(HandleNotify) if(HandleNotify.EventName == ET_OnStart && HandleNotify.NotifyName == NT_Match) GR.PostBeginPlay(); } function InitMutator(string Options, out string ErrorMessage) { `LogdFuncN() Super.InitMutator(Options, ErrorMessage); //Ran only once for all mutators regardless of Mutator.Next! if(NextMutator == None) { PostInitMutator(); GameData.Init(); } } //Ran only once for all mutators regardless of Mutator.Next! singular function PostInitMutator() { local UT_GR_Info MasterGameRules; local UT_MDB_GameRules GR; `LogdFuncN() if(WorldInfo.Game != none) { GameData.CurWorldInfo = WorldInfo; GameData.CurGameType = UTGame(WorldInfo.Game); GameData.CurMap = WorldInfo.GetMapName(true); //TODO: Check LinkedList for UT_GR_Info, not just First in List! MasterGameRules = GetMasterGameRules(); MasterGameRules.SetBaseGameRules(); `logd("MasterGameRules: "$PathName(MasterGameRules)$" Initialized!",,'GameExp',); //Call Init for all GameRules Objects for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) { //All GameRules get the Init() method called regardless of Notifys GR.Init(); } } } //// //Replacement function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other) { local Controller C; local UT_MDB_GameRules BaseGameRules, GR; local UT_MDB_EventNotifier.NotifyMode HandleNotify; BaseGameRules = GetBaseGameRules(); for(GR = BaseGameRules; GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) { return GR.CheckReplacement(Other); } C = Controller(Other); if(C != None) { if(GameData != None && C.name != GameData.CurPawn) { `logd("Controller: "$PathName(C),,'GameExp'); GameData.CurController = C.name; } for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) foreach GR.EventNotifier.Notifies(HandleNotify) if(HandleNotify.EventName == ET_OnSpawn && HandleNotify.NotifyName == NT_Weapon) GR.NotifyController(C); } //ET_OnSpawn? if(Other.IsA('Weapon')) { for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) foreach GR.EventNotifier.Notifies(HandleNotify) if(HandleNotify.EventName == ET_OnStart && HandleNotify.NotifyName == NT_Weapon) GR.ModifyWeapon(Weapon(Other)); } return true; } //// //Modify function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other) { local UTPawn P; local UTVehicle V; local UT_GR_Info.PawnInfo PInfo; local UT_MDB_GameRules BaseGameRules, GR; local UT_MDB_EventNotifier.NotifyMode HandleNotify; BaseGameRules = GetBaseGameRules(); //new PawnInfo PInfo.Type = class'UT_GR_Info'.static.GetPawnType(Other); PInfo.Pawn = Other; if(BaseGameRules != None) BaseGameRules.ModifyPawnInfo(PInfo); P = UTPawn(Other); if(P != None && BaseGameRules != None) { if(UTHeroPawn(P) != None) { if(GameData != None && UTHeroPawn(P).name != GameData.CurRook) { `logd("Rook: "$PathName(UTHeroPawn(P)),,'GameExp'); GameData.CurRook = UTHeroPawn(P).name; } for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) foreach GR.EventNotifier.Notifies(HandleNotify) if(HandleNotify.EventName == ET_OnSpawn && HandleNotify.NotifyName == NT_Player) GR.ModifyRook(UTHeroPawn(P)); //BaseGameRules.ModifyRook(UTHeroPawn(P)); } if(GameData != None && P.name != GameData.CurPawn) { `logd("Pawn: "$PathName(P),,'GameExp'); GameData.CurPawn = P.name; } for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) foreach GR.EventNotifier.Notifies(HandleNotify) if(HandleNotify.EventName == ET_OnSpawn && HandleNotify.NotifyName == NT_Player) GR.ModifyPawn(P); //BaseGameRules.ModifyPawn(P); } // TODO: Only modifys the vehicle once a player enters it or on spawn? V = UTVehicle(Other); if(V != None && BaseGameRules != None) { // ModifyKnight(V); if(GameData != None && V.name != GameData.CurVehicle) { `logd("Vehicle: "$PathName(V),,'GameExp'); GameData.CurVehicle = V.name; } for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) foreach GR.EventNotifier.Notifies(HandleNotify) if(HandleNotify.EventName == ET_OnSpawn && HandleNotify.NotifyName == NT_Vehicle) GR.ModifyVehicle(V); //BaseGameRules.ModifyVehicle(V); } Super.ModifyPlayer(Other); } // TODO: Only modifys the vehicle once a player enters it or on spawn? function DriverEnteredVehicle(Vehicle V, Pawn P) { local UT_MDB_GameRules GR; local UT_MDB_EventNotifier.NotifyMode HandleNotify; for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) foreach GR.EventNotifier.Notifies(HandleNotify) if(HandleNotify.EventName == ET_OnEnter && HandleNotify.NotifyName == NT_Vehicle) { GR.ModifyVehicleOnEnter(V); GR.NotifyEnteredVehicle(P); // GR.DriverEnteredVehicle(V, P); } } function DriverLeftVehicle(Vehicle V, Pawn P) { local UT_MDB_GameRules GR; local UT_MDB_EventNotifier.NotifyMode HandleNotify; // local int idx; for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) foreach GR.EventNotifier.Notifies(HandleNotify) if(HandleNotify.EventName == ET_OnExit && HandleNotify.NotifyName == NT_Vehicle) { GR.ModifyVehicleOnEnter(V); GR.NotifyEnteredVehicle(P); // GR.DriverLeftVehicle(V, P); } //HandleNotify = (EventName = ET_OnExit, NotifyName = NT_Vehicle); /* HandleNotify.EventName = ET_OnExit; HandleNotify.NotifyName = NT_Vehicle; for(GR = GetBaseGameRules(); GR != None; GR = GetNextGameRules(GR)) { idx = GR.EventNotifier.Notifies.find(HandleNotify); if(idx != Index_None) { GR.ModifyVehicleOnEnter(V); GR.NotifyEnteredVehicle(P); // GR.DriverLeftVehicle(V, P); } }*/ } defaultproperties { Begin Object Class=UT_MDB_GameInfo Name=UT_MDB_GameInfo0 End Object GameData=UT_MDB_GameInfo0 }