Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd


From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 07:59, 25 March 2010 by 00zX (Talk | contribs) (Highlighters)

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Works in Progress for Unreal Engine 3

Unreal Development Kit

UDK: Project Silky - Status: Prototype
UDK: GameDex Framework - Status: Design

Unreal Tournament 3

UT3: GameDex Framework - Status: Beta
Newtators-v1.9e - Status: Point Release
Attrition-v0.5pb - Status: Public Beta


UnrealWiki - Code Noir Redex Theme


Status: Alpha 9 (testing)

To Install copy the contents of the following page into your own 'User:[name]/monobook.css' page.

| W3C CSS Validator

  • Dark Theme
  • High Contrast
  • Improved Readability
  • Highlighter adjustments for UScript, CSS and XML
  • Different coloured borders per GameNameSpace
  • Curved Borders in supporting browsers

Known Issues
  • UnrealScript Reference box has incorrect background colours.
  • interwiki links are wrong blue colour and dont have hoverover colours. (jumping, incorrect offset and incorrect coloured links, pretty bad).
  • Navigation and toolbox background still blue on discussion pages.
  • ambox's need background colour adjustments for readability.
  • Tab pages border colour does not match namespace. (Namespace support, hover over changes border to match namespace on <A>??).
  • Edit/Input boxes are still black text on white.

Pastebin - Code Noir Redex Theme

Status: Alpha 1

[Stylish User theme]

Proposal - Setting Up jEdit for UScripting

Step by step process of installing, setting up jEdit for use with Uscript. From start to finish, using/commiting to repository's and building using Apache Ant. A major portion of this tutorial is dedicated to giving you the knowledge to editing/customizing your programming environment to your liking (I do feel this can help to improve workflow).

Tools required for this tutorial:

  • jEdit - Programmers text editor
  • GIT - Source/Build Repository
  • Uncodex - UScript Class Browser
  • NSIS - Installer/Packaging

Introduction to jEdit

Introduction to UnCodex

Introduction to Git

Compiling using a simple Batch - Windows

Commandline option links for each UE version.

UDK - Simple Compile batch

Drive:\UDK\{UDK-Version}\Binaries\UDK.exe make -debug -intermediate -log=CompileLog.log -full

Introduction to Ant for jEdit

Using Ant to package a release, both compressed file and Nsis2.0. Online Manual


Using Ant scripts to commit to git repository.

Introduction to NSIS


Creating an NSIS package script

Using the UDK installer?

Proposal - Replication


Status: On Hold

-00zX 20:49, 3 April 2009 (UTC)

Replication / Replication_(computer_science)
Concept of servers and clients.(NetMode/Relevancy/Reliability)
  • Declaring Replication using the Replication Block
  • Function Replication using the replication block?
  • Booleans Declared in actor that are useful in replication

  • NetMode (concept)
  • Replication Block
    • Actor Replication (bools bnetinitial eg)
    • Variable Value Replication (using block)
      • Repnotify / ReplicatedEvents
    • Function call replication(UT2004)
  • Function call replication(UT3)
  • Reliability
  • Relevance (actor replication??)
    • Role and RemoteRole
  • Info
    • ReplicationInfo
      • GameReplicationInfo (GRI)
      • PlayerReplicationInfo (PRI)
      • LinkedReplicationInfo (LRI)



Contact Me


00zX on EnterTheGame


E-mail 00zX or on