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LevelConfigManager Is mainly used for editing the weapons players start with as well modify default health, shield armor and put in timed messages which might explain the map and/or who made the map but it also provides a lot of other actors that might be useful for you map such as the Keys i.e. KeyObjective, KeyPickup and KeyTrigger these are often used in solo trial maps and open trial maps. As of now the tool is used in 300+ trial maps but that's pretty much because everyone likes to get rid of the Assault Rifle :P.


For Triggers check: LevelConfigManager Triggers and for Volumes check: LevelConfigManager Volumes.

Notable actors

  • Delay Trigger : Provides a anti-trigger delay on any actor that doesn't implement an anti-trigger spam delay on its own.
  • Stand Trigger : Provides a base test on the instigator which means you can put a rule on triggers where the instigator(activator) needs to be standing on a Mover or an other kind of actor.
  • Hit Count Trigger : Provides the ability to trigger its own when an amount of hit counts have been detected within a certain time limit.
  • Delayed Trigger : (Starts at match begin)For every specified amount of time that is spent will instigate its own event for as long the match lasts(useful for looping events etc).



UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Info >> Mutator >> LevelConfigActor (custom)

LevelConfigActor or LCA is the main and most important actor of the LevelConfigManager package, LCA has features such as customized pawn properties i.e. Health, HealthMax, LCA also provides many other features such as TimedMessages which lets the L.D.s set a custom message about their map that will be displayed to players every few minutes(random) this feature includes Map Author, a notification about LCA and a credits message.

Property group 'AirShieldGun'


Type: bool

Default value: True


Type: bool


Type: bool


Type: bool


Type: int

Default value: 10

Property group 'DefaultWeapons'


Type: sDefWepList

A struct with a list of weapon classes and an option bEnabled to decide whether LevelConfigActor should use this list as the default weapon classes.

Default value:

Member Value
bEnabled False
Member Value
DefaultStartWeapon Class'XWeapons.AssaultRifle'
Member Value
DefaultStartWeapon Class'XWeapons.ShieldGun'

Property group 'Extra'


Type: bool

Sets the respawn time of pickups to 0.5. Because of trials pickups need to be available anytime, this feature was added so that you don't have to bother configuring the properties of each pickup.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Because of trials players blocking each other is a major issue therefor mutators have been made to turn off the collision. However people don't have or don't use those mutators and so it's better to have this implemented in the map itself.

Default value: True


Type: array<CameraEffect>

Modifiers: editinlinenotify, export

CameraEffects to apply locally on all clients.


Type: class<Combo>

An initial comboclass to give to newly spawned pawns. Note: Only works if the active gametype supports combos.


Type: EForceTeam

The team every newly spawned pawn should be forced to if not already in the specified team.


Type: EForceView

The player view mode to force players to.


Type: float

Game speed scaling.

Default value: 1.0


Type: class<LCA_KeyHUD>

Modifiers: const

This is the KeyHUD class that will be used to render the keys on HUD for players.

Default value: Class'LevelConfigManagerV3.LCA_KeyHUD'


Type: EMapType

A pre-configured set of property values to apply on runtime.


Type: int

Changes the render mode locally of every client. Note: Recommend for maps that won't be hosted on servers with anti-cheat mutators such as ANTITCC, SafeGame and ClanManager.

Default value: 5


Type: sClientOverlay

A texture and color to overlay on screen for all clients. Note: Overlays the HUD, it is recommend to use the CameraOverlay in CameraEffects.

Default value:

Member Value
bEnabled False
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
RenderHandler Class'LevelConfigManagerV3.LCA_HudOverlay'


Type: sTimedMessage

A timed message is something that will appear every several minutes. This timed message provides the ability to display the map author(gathered from LevelProperties) with additional messages about your map(This is a replacement for InfoPods).

Default value:

Member Value
bDisplayAuthor True
bEnabled True
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255


Type: ETrialMode

The kind of trial mode(in terms of momentum) to use.

Default value: TM_Normal


Type: sExtra_xPawn

Various properties that require knowledge to use properly.

Default value:

Member Value
bEnabled False
DodgeLimit 1
HeadSize 1.0
PlayerSize 1.0

Property group 'GameInfo'


Type: GameStruct

Various GameInfo related properties.

Default value:

Member Value
bEnabled False
TimeLimit 45

Property group 'PawnMutation'


Type: float

The AirControl strength of pawns.

Default value: 0.35


Type: bool

Whether players are able to crouch.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Whether players are able to dodge.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Whether players are able to jump after doing a dodge.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Whether players are able to dodge off a wall.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Whether players are in berserk mode.


Type: float

The scaling a pawn deals e.g. if you would set this to 2.0 then all damage dealt by a pawn would be doubled, or 0.0 for no pawn dealt damage at all.

Default value: 1.0


Type: int

The amount of health pawns will spawn with.

Default value: 100


Type: int

The amount of shield pawns will spawn with.


Type: float

The height a pawn can achieve from a dodge.

Default value: 210.0


Type: float

The distance a pawn can achieve from a dodge.

Default value: 1.5


Type: int

The height boost for the first jump.

Default value: 340


Type: float

The mass scaling of pawns.

Default value: 1.0


Type: int

The distance a pawn can survive from a fall.

Default value: 1200


Type: int

The max health pawns can have.

Default value: 100


Type: int

The max superhealth pawns can have.

Default value: 199


Type: int

The max supershield pawns can have.

Default value: 150


Type: float

The scaling of the groundspeed, airspeed, waterspeed, crouchspeed and walkspeed of a pawn.

Default value: 1.0


Type: int

The height boost for every multiple jump.

Default value: 25


Type: int

Amount multiple jumps pawns can do.

Default value: 1


Type: float

The time a pawn can be under water before he starts to drown.

Default value: 20.0

Property group 'Projectile'


Type: array<sProjectile>

An list of specified projectile classes that should have their properties modified on spawn.

Property group 'Weapon'


Type: sWeapon

Specific Weapon related properties.

Default value:

Member Value
Amount 50
bEnabled False



The team every newly spawned pawn should be forced to if not already in the specified team.

Don't force the players team.
Force the players team to red a.k.a attackers.
Force the players team to blue a.k.a defenders.


The player view mode to force players to.

Don't force the players view.
Force the players view to first person i.e. the player cannot use BehindView.
Force the players view to third person i.e. the player cannot use FirstPerson.


An already configured propertie values set for various gamemodes.

Use the default(or your) configuration of LCA.
Use the LCA BunnyTrack configuration e.g. no wall dodges and no double jump.


The kind of trial mode(in terms of momentum) to use.

Use a self-specified momentum scaling.
Don't change the momentum scaling.
Use the momentum scaling of Deathmatch in Assault.
Use the momentum scaling of Deathmatch with an additional percent of 1.325.
Use the momentum scaling of Deathmatch with an additional percent of 1.5.



Properties related to the GameInfo class.

bool bEnabled
Whether to override the game's timelimit to new specified TimeLimit value.
byte TimeLimit
The new timelimit(in minutes) to use for the current game. */


Required information for attaching actors to newly spawned pawns.

class<Actor> ActorClass
The actor class to spawn and attach to the specified BoneName.
name BoneName
The name of a bone where the spawned ActorClass kind will be attached on.


Various properties to define screen overlaying behavior.

bool bEnabled
Whether to add an HudOverlay locally on all clients.
Object.Color Color
The color of the specified Texture.
Material Texture
The texture to overlay on the screen.
class<LCA_HudOverlay> RenderHandler
The HudOverlay class to use for rendering the overlay.
bool bNotInSpec
Whether the overlay should not be active for spectators.


The properties for in a DefaultStartWeapons list.

array<sWeaponList> DefaultStartWeapons
A list of weapon classes that players will use as their default weapons they will spawn with.
bool bEnabled
Use this DefaultStartWeapons list instead of the one specified by the game.


Various properties that require knowledge to use properly.

bool bEnabled
Whether all the properties below will be applied on newly spawned pawns.
bool bNoDodgeDelay
If TRUE then everyone will be able to dodge right away after landing.
bool bMakeSureNoDodgeDoubleJump
If TRUE certain functions in MutMultiDodge2k3 will be disabled so that the ability of removing dodgejump will remain to work together with that mod.
float PlayerSize
The new scale to apply on DrawScale of newly spawned pawns.
float HeadSize
The new scale to apply on HeadScale of newly spawned pawns.
int DodgeLimit
Additional dodge that a player is allowed to do while in air before landing.
array<sProperty> ExtraVariables
Addtional properties to modify on newly spawned pawns.
sPawnSkin Skin
The new skin or mesh to apply on newly spawned pawns.
array<sAttachActor> LocalAttachActors
Actors to spawn and attach to newly spawned pawns. On the clientside only.

Note: Whether it will work offline/online is completely dependent on the actor class you specified.

array<sAttachActor> ServerAttachActors
Actors to spawn and attach to newly spawned pawns. On the serverside only.

Note: Whether it will work offline/online is completely dependent on the actor class you specified.


Properties related to a skin of an actor(pawn in this case).

bool bEnabled
If TRUE apply the specified Skins and the Model(if not none).
array<Material> Skins
The skins to apply to all players.
Mesh Model
The model to apply to all players.


A set properties to be applied to the specified ProjectileClass.

class<Projectile> ProjectileClass
The projectile class to apply those properties of this struct to.
array<sProperty> Properties
Projectile properties to modify.


A property struct.

string PropertyName
The name of a property to assign the PropertyValue on.
string PropertyValue
The value to set for the property of PropertyName.


Properties related to timed messages.

bool bEnabled
TimeMessage is enabled, Credits too if bDisplayAuthor is true as well.
bool bDisplayAuthor
If true then the author set in LevelProperties will be broadcast along with 'TimeMessage'.
array<string> TimeMessage
Additional messages to broadcast.
string Credits
Input names of people who contributed, helped or tested your map, each name should be separated with comma.
Object.Color MessageColor
The color to use to colourize the 'TimeMessage' messages.


Properties related to the Weapon class.

bool bEnabled
Whether overriding the new ammocount may be applied.
int Amount
The new ammocount to apply on all weapons.


Obsolete since bCanDropWeapon has been deprecated.

class<Inventory> DefaultStartWeapon
The weapon class to use as the start weapon.