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Object >> Actor >> Info >> ZoneInfo >> VacuumZone >> SlowVacuumZone (custom) |
- Package:
- SlowVacuumZone
I created this class per request by R3plicant, who wanted a VacuumZone with a long kill time to give players a chance to get out again. The problem with the standard VacuumZone is, it uses the Fatness value to track its progress. That's a byte property though, and its lack of precision causes the zone to "hang" if the kill time is too high.
The SlowVacuumZone is a special implementation that tracks depressurization progress separately to ensure it never "hangs" and that players have the full KillTime to get out of the zone again. To achieve this for an arbitrary number of players I used a helper class to build a linked list. (See below)
Creation date: 2008-11-29 18:05
Last change: $Id$
Copyright (c) 2008, Wormbo
class SlowVacuumZone extends VacuumZone;
var SlowVacuumZoneListItem Active, Pool;
Adds a Pawn to the active list, it it isn't already in the list.
function AddPawn(Pawn Other)
local SlowVacuumZoneListItem Item;
for (Item = Active; Item != None; Item = Item.Next) {
if (Item.Pawn == Other)
return; // pawn already is in the list
if (Pool != None) {
Item = Pool;
Pool = Item.Next;
else {
Item = new class'SlowVacuumZoneListItem';
Item.Init(Other, Active);
Active = Item;
Adds an unused item to the item pool.
function FreeItem(SlowVacuumZoneListItem Item)
Item.Init(None, Pool);
Pool = Item;
When a living player enters this zone, start Tick() to death.
event ActorEntered(Actor Other)
local Pawn P;
P = Pawn(Other);
if (P != None && P.Health > 0) {
// Maybe scream?
if (P.bIsPlayer) {
// Scream now
P.PlaySound(P.Die, SLOT_Talk);
Continuously update players getting depressurized in this zone.
function Tick(float DeltaTime)
local float curScale;
local vector curFog;
local PlayerPawn pPawn;
local SlowVacuumZoneListItem Item, Prev;
// first, clear all invalid entries from the beginning of the list
while (Active != None && (Active.Pawn == None || Active.Pawn.Region.Zone != Self || Active.Pawn.Health <= 0)) {
Item = Active;
Active = Active.Next;
Item = Active;
Prev = Item;
while (Item != None) {
// previous while loop ensures that the following condition will never be true during the first loop:
if (Item.Pawn == None || Item.Pawn.Region.Zone != Self || Item.Pawn.Health <= 0) {
Prev.Next = Item.Next;
Item = Prev.Next;
// player is alive and in this zone
Item.Ratio += DeltaTime / KillTime;
if (Item.Ratio > 1.0)
Item.Ratio = 1.0;
// Fatness (not actually linear interpolation, but might look interesting nonetheless)
Item.Pawn.Fatness = Lerp(Item.Ratio, Item.Pawn.Fatness, 255.0);
// Fog & Field of view
pPawn = PlayerPawn(Item.Pawn);
if (pPawn != None) {
curScale = (EndFlashScale-StartFlashScale) * Item.Ratio + StartFlashScale;
curFog = (EndFlashFog -StartFlashFog ) * Item.Ratio + StartFlashFog;
pPawn.ClientFlash(curScale, 1000 * curFog);
pPawn.SetFOVAngle((DieFOV - pPawn.default.FOVAngle) * Item.Ratio + pPawn.default.FOVAngle);
if (Item.Ratio == 1.0) {
Level.Game.SpecialDamageString = DamageString;
Item.Pawn.TakeDamage(10000, Item.Pawn, Item.Pawn.Location, vect(0,0,0), DamageType);
// item will be removed in next tick
// next item
Prev = Item;
Item = Item.Next;
if (Active == None)
![]() |
Object >> SlowVacuumZoneListItem (custom) |
- Package:
- SlowVacuumZone
This is the helper class for building the linked list of affected players.
Creation date: 2008-11-29 18:51
Last change: $Id$
Copyright (c) 2008, Wormbo
class SlowVacuumZoneListItem extends Object;
Next item in linked list.
var SlowVacuumZoneListItem Next;
Pawn marked by this list item.
var Pawn Pawn;
Progress of vaccuum death for the marked Pawn.
var float Ratio;
function Init(Pawn NewPawn, SlowVacuumZoneListItem NewNext)
Pawn = NewPawn;
Ratio = 0.0;
Next = NewNext;