UE2:CustomHUDMenuOnslaught defaults (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

;Other member categories for this class::

Default values



Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
bStandardized True
Caption "Cancel"
Hint "Click to close this menu, discarding changes."
OnClick UT2K4CustomHUDMenu.InternalOnClick
TabOrder 9
WinHeight 0.063881
WinLeft 0.658306
WinTop 0.8988
WinWidth 0.136349


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Enable Radar Map"
Hint "The radar map is an bird's eye view of the current map, showing indicators for node positions and status"
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 3
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.479238
WinTop 0.116915
WinWidth 0.436524


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bIntSlider False
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Radar Map Icon Scale"
Hint "Changes the scaling of the icons displayed on the radar map"
MaxValue 4.0
MinValue 0.0
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 6
WinHeight 0.069779
WinLeft 0.431807
WinTop 0.591833
WinWidth 0.528751


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Show Node Beams"
Hint "Display beams of light above nodes which are vulnerable to attack"
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 4
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.479238
WinTop 0.225805
WinWidth 0.436524


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
bStandardized True
Caption "OK"
Hint "Click to close this menu, saving changes."
OnClick UT2K4CustomHUDMenu.InternalOnClick
TabOrder 10
WinHeight 0.063881
WinLeft 0.802881
WinTop 0.8988
WinWidth 0.136349


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Onslaught HUD Options"
WinHeight 0.931115
WinLeft 0.41625
WinTop 0.040869
WinWidth 0.562501


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bFillClient True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Preview"
WinHeight 0.699076
WinLeft 0.022134
WinTop 0.040869
WinWidth 0.385772


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Radar Position"
ColPadding 0.05
NumColumns 2
WinHeight 0.221081
WinLeft 0.022134
WinTop 0.749726
WinWidth 0.385772


Class: XInterface.moFloatEdit

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "X:"
CaptionWidth 0.01
Hint "Adjust the position (left-to-right) of the radar map"
MaxValue 1.0
MenuState MSAT_Disabled
MinValue 0.075
OnChange InternalOnChange
Step 0.05
TabOrder 0
WinHeight 0.03457
WinLeft 0.056826
WinTop 0.848623
WinWidth 0.139523


Class: XInterface.moFloatEdit

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Y:"
CaptionWidth 0.01
Hint "Adjust the position (top-to-bottom) of the radar map"
MaxValue 0.73
MenuState MSAT_Disabled
MinValue 0.0
OnChange InternalOnChange
Step 0.05
TabOrder 1
WinHeight 0.03457
WinLeft 0.056826
WinTop 0.896968
WinWidth 0.139523


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'MenuGray'
ImageAlign IMGA_Center
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Alpha
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
RenderWeight 0.1
WinHeight 0.3117
WinLeft 0.0763
WinTop 0.195204
WinWidth 0.3117


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'MenuWhite'
ImageAlign IMGA_Center
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Alpha
ImageStyle ISTY_Scaled
OnDraw DrawMap
RenderWeight 0.11


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bIntSlider False
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Radar Map Scale"
Hint "Change the size of the radar map on the HUD"
MaxValue 0.5
MinValue 0.1
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 5
WinHeight 0.069779
WinLeft 0.431807
WinTop 0.482552
WinWidth 0.528751


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bIntSlider True
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Radar Map Opacity"
Hint "Change the opacity of the radar map's background"
MaxValue 255.0
MinValue 0.0
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 7
WinHeight 0.069779
WinLeft 0.431807
WinTop 0.369622
WinWidth 0.528751


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bScaleToParent True
bStandardized True
Caption "Defaults"
Hint "Restore all settings to their default value."
OnClick UT2K4CustomHUDMenu.InternalOnClick
TabOrder 8
WinHeight 0.063881
WinLeft 0.465241
WinTop 0.8988
WinWidth 0.136349


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bWrapCaption True
OnClick TogglePreview
TabOrder 2
WinHeight 0.098412
WinLeft 0.218035
WinTop 0.771852
WinWidth 0.160937