UE2:UT2K4SPTab_TeamManagement defaults (UT2004)
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Object >> GUI >> GUIComponent >> GUIMultiComponent >> GUIPanel >> GUITabPanel >> UT2K4TabPanel >> UT2K4SPTab_Base >> UT2K4SPTab_TeamManagement (defaults) |
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Default values
Property | Value |
PanelCaption | "Team Management" |
Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Caption | "Free agents" |
WinHeight | 0.2875 |
WinLeft | 0.334872 |
WinTop | 0.7 |
WinWidth | 0.662755 |
Class: GUI2K4.AltSectionBackground
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
WinHeight | 0.46875 |
WinLeft | 0.337372 |
WinTop | 0.208333 |
WinWidth | 0.212628 |
Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Caption | "Selection" |
WinHeight | 0.6625 |
WinLeft | 0.5625 |
WinTop | 0.016667 |
WinWidth | 0.425 |
Class: GUI2K4.AltSectionBackground
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Caption | "Your team" |
WinHeight | 0.96875 |
WinLeft | 0.006173 |
WinTop | 0.016667 |
WinWidth | 0.31875 |
Class: XInterface.GUIButton
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
bNeverFocus | True |
bRepeatClick | True |
OnClick | onFreeAgentScroll |
OnClickSound | CS_Down |
StyleName | "ArrowLeft" |
TabOrder | 5 |
WinHeight | 0.09 |
WinLeft | 0.34375 |
WinTop | 0.806154 |
WinWidth | 0.05 |
Class: XInterface.GUIButton
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
bNeverFocus | True |
bRepeatClick | True |
OnClick | onFreeAgentScroll |
OnClickSound | CS_Up |
StyleName | "ArrowRight" |
TabOrder | 6 |
WinHeight | 0.09 |
WinLeft | 0.93875 |
WinTop | 0.806154 |
WinWidth | 0.05 |
Class: XInterface.GUICharacterListTeam
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
bCenterInBounds | True |
bDropSource | True |
bDropTarget | True |
bMultiSelect | False |
OnBeginDrag | FreeAgentOnBeginDrag |
OnChange | onFreeAgentChange |
OnDragDrop | TeamMemberOnDragDrop |
RenderWeight | 0.2 |
StyleName | "CharButton" |
TabOrder | 4 |
WinHeight | 0.20449 |
WinLeft | 0.386122 |
WinTop | 0.762721 |
WinWidth | 0.561505 |
Class: XInterface.GUIButton
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Caption | "AUTO FILL" |
FontScale | FNS_Small |
Hint | "Automatically fill your team" |
OnClick | onAutoMakeClick |
RenderWeight | 0.2 |
TabOrder | 3 |
WinHeight | 0.05 |
WinLeft | 0.341199 |
WinTop | 0.15 |
WinWidth | 0.20625 |
Class: XInterface.GUIButton
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Caption | "RELEASE" |
FontScale | FNS_Small |
Hint | "Fire this team mate" |
MenuState | MSAT_Disabled |
OnClick | onFireClick |
RenderWeight | 0.2 |
TabOrder | 2 |
WinHeight | 0.05 |
WinLeft | 0.341199 |
WinTop | 0.091667 |
WinWidth | 0.20625 |
Class: XInterface.GUIButton
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Caption | "HIRE" |
FontScale | FNS_Small |
Hint | "Hire the selected player" |
MenuState | MSAT_Disabled |
OnClick | onHireClick |
RenderWeight | 0.2 |
TabOrder | 1 |
WinHeight | 0.05 |
WinLeft | 0.341199 |
WinTop | 0.033333 |
WinWidth | 0.20625 |
Class: XInterface.GUIButton
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Caption | "TREAT INJURIES" |
FontScale | FNS_Small |
Hint | "Treat the injuries of the current player" |
MenuState | MSAT_Disabled |
OnClick | onTreatClick |
RenderWeight | 0.2 |
TabOrder | 5 |
WinHeight | 0.05 |
WinLeft | 0.35255 |
WinTop | 0.521536 |
WinWidth | 0.184821 |
Class: XInterface.GUIButton
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Caption | "TREAT ALL" |
FontScale | FNS_Small |
Hint | "Treat the injuries of all your team mates" |
OnClick | onTreatAllClick |
RenderWeight | 0.2 |
TabOrder | 6 |
WinHeight | 0.05 |
WinLeft | 0.35255 |
WinTop | 0.570382 |
WinWidth | 0.184821 |
Class: XInterface.moEditBox
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
bReadOnly | True |
bVerticalLayout | True |
Caption | "Balance:" |
Hint | "" |
TabOrder | 4 |
WinHeight | 0.034156 |
WinLeft | 0.355102 |
WinTop | 0.271283 |
WinWidth | 0.179694 |
Class: XInterface.GUIImage
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Image | Material'PlayerPictures.cDefault' |
ImageStyle | ISTY_Scaled |
RenderWeight | 0.12 |
WinHeight | 0.29 |
WinLeft | 0.590332 |
WinTop | 0.088182 |
WinWidth | 0.0925 |
Class: XInterface.GUIImage
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
Image | Material'2K4Menus.Controls.sectionback' |
ImageStyle | ISTY_Scaled |
RenderWeight | 0.11 |
WinHeight | 0.3 |
WinLeft | 0.589082 |
WinTop | 0.081284 |
WinWidth | 0.095 |
Class: XInterface.GUIScrollTextBox
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
bVisibleWhenEmpty | True |
CharDelay | 0.0025 |
EOLDelay | 0.5 |
FontScale | FNS_Medium |
RenderWeight | 0.2 |
StyleName | "NoBackground" |
TabOrder | 4 |
WinHeight | 0.274745 |
WinLeft | 0.585256 |
WinTop | 0.38013 |
WinWidth | 0.382041 |
Class: XInterface.GUIScrollTextBox
Property | Value |
bBoundToParent | True |
bNoTeletype | True |
bVisibleWhenEmpty | True |
FontScale | FNS_Medium |
RenderWeight | 0.2 |
StyleName | "NoBackground" |
TabOrder | 3 |
WinHeight | 0.280867 |
WinLeft | 0.689005 |
WinTop | 0.081284 |
WinWidth | 0.278316 |