
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 20:32, 23 April 2008 by Haarg (talk | contribs)
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This is the Unreal Wiki bus stop.

Our initial aim was to document the engine and editing tools for the First-Person-Shooter game engine Unreal (and other games based on it, such as Unreal Tournament and UT2004). Since our launch in January 2002, we've expanded our horizons somewhat: general software architecture for games, AI, the game modding scene etiquette, open source, computer-generated architecture and more.

Bus connections:

  • Bus Nr. 42: Software Developers Tour - next stop is dpldemo

Pages to Visit Here

Getting started with UnrealEditor.
Documentation for Unreal's Java-style scripting language.
EBNF specification for UnrealScript
The pitfalls and successes of the mod scene.
Mappers and coders write about their learning curves and ideas
New and cool widgets to add to maps and mods.
Musings and ramblings on everything and anything: how to be successful in modding, Perl, fatherhood and so on.
a programming language written in UnrealScript

Notes for the natives

The natives are invited to suggest pages.

This page is under construction. We need to write a bit about ourselves here...

Questions? Problems? Turn to the MeatBall:BusManagement

Read more about Tour Bus here: MeatBall:TourBus