From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This is the Unreal Wiki bus stop.

Our initial aim was to document the engine and editing tools for the First-Person-Shooter game engine Unreal (and other games based on it, such as Unreal Tournament and UT2004). Since our launch in January 2002, we've expanded our horizons somewhat: general software architecture for games, AI, the game modding scene etiquette, open source, computer-generated architecture and more.
Bus connections:
- Bus Nr. 42: Software Developers Tour - next stop is dpldemo
Pages to Visit Here
- Getting started with UnrealEditor.
- Documentation for Unreal's Java-style scripting language.
- EBNF specification for UnrealScript
- The pitfalls and successes of the mod scene.
- Mappers and coders write about their learning curves and ideas
- New and cool widgets to add to maps and mods.
- Musings and ramblings on everything and anything: how to be successful in modding, Perl, fatherhood and so on.
- a programming language written in UnrealScript
Notes for the natives
The natives are invited to suggest pages.
This page is under construction. We need to write a bit about ourselves here...
Questions? Problems? Turn to the MeatBall:BusManagement
Read more about Tour Bus here: MeatBall:TourBus