UE2:UDamagePack (UT2003)

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Revision as of 02:30, 27 July 2009 by Wormbo (talk | contribs) (same as UT2004, minus TransientSoundVolume and some functions)
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UT2003 Object >> Actor >> Pickup >> TournamentPickup >> UDamagePack
This class in other games:

Pickup class for the Double Damage power-up.

The Double Damage does not have its own Inventory class. The entire functionality is handled by the various UDamage-related functions in xPawn and the UDamageTimer class.

Default values

Property Value
AmbientGlow 254
bPredictRespawns True
CollisionHeight 23.0
CollisionRadius 32.0
DrawScale 0.9
DrawType DT_StaticMesh
Mass 10.0
MaxDesireability 2.0
Physics PHYS_Rotating
PickupForce "UDamagePickup"
PickupMessage "DOUBLE DAMAGE!"
PickupSound Sound'PickupSounds.UDamagePickUp'
RespawnTime 90.0
Member Value
Yaw 24000
ScaleGlow 0.6
StaticMesh StaticMesh'E_Pickups.Udamage'
Style STY_AlphaZ



Inherits from: Pickup.Pickup

Modifiers: auto


event Touch (Actor Other)

Overrides: Pickup.Pickup.Touch

Activates Double Damage for the player who picked it up by calling xPawn.EnableUDamage().