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Legacy:Pawn (UT)/Functions

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Actor >> Pawn (UT) / Other Functions of Great Use and Interest (honest guv)

Native Functions[edit]

AddPawn ( ) 
Called from the PreBeginPlay() function to add the new pawn to the PawnList.
RemovePawn ( ) 
Called from the Destroy() function to remove this pawn from the PawnList.
StopWaiting ( ) [not final] 
Force an end to sleep.
bool CheckValidSkinPackage (string SkinPack, string MeshName) [static] 
Returns true if the skin package being used by the client is valid or not. This definition is a complete guess by the way.

Declared Functions - not implemented at this level[edit]

FireWeapon ( ) 
This function causes the pawn to fire its current weapon.
HandleHelpMessageFrom (Pawn (UT) Other) 
This function is used to cause pawns to handle "help" messages from players.
RestartPlayer ( ) 
This function is called to restart the player. Interestingly it calls the RestartPlayer() function on the current Game object first.
ShakeView (float shaketime, float RollMag, float vertmag) 
This function is used to skae the view of the player.
Carcass SpawnCarcass ( ) 
Used to spawn a carcass for the pawn when its dead.
SpawnGibbedCarcass ( ) 
Used to spawn gibs for the pawn when its been gibbed.
SpecialFire ( ) 
This function is used to handle the special Shock Rifle combo. It is implemented within the Bot (UT) class.
StopFiring ( ) 
This function is called to make the pawn stop firing (and possibly attacking).


rotator AdjustAim (float projSpeed, vector projStart, int aimerror, bool LeadTarget, bool bWarnTarget) 
Called to adjust the pawn's Return the pawn's aim. By default returns the ViewRotation.
rotator AdjustToss (float projSpeed, vector projStart, int aimerror, bool LeadTarget, bool bWarnTarget) 
Called to adjust the direction the pawn will throw weapons and fire grenades in. By default it returns the pawn's ViewRotation.
BecomeViewTarget ( ) 
This function is used to set the pawn to be the view target. An example of it's use is viewing from teammates.
ClientDying (name DamageType, vector HitLocation) 
This function is used to play the dying animations of the pawn on the client. It also places the pawn in the Dying state.
ClientReStart ( ) 
This function is called to restart the pawn once it has died. The function places the pawn in the state defined by the property PlayerReStartState (which has a default value of PlayerWalking).
ClientGameEnded ( ) 
This function is called when the game has ended. It is used to put the pawn in the GameEnded state.
Died (Pawn (UT) Killer, name damageType, vector HitLocation) 
This function is called at the point the pawn should die, but before the pawn has died. The mutator function PreventDeath() is called here. After its finished handling the pawn's death the pawn is placed in the Dying state.
DropDecoration ( ) 
This function drops the Decoration (UT) referenced by CarriedDecoration.
string GetHumanName ( ) 
If the Pawn has an associated player replication ino object then the PlayerName from the replication info is returned. Otherwise the function will return the ArticleName and the MenuName concatenated together.
This function picks the decoration up after performing a whole slew of scary checks.
bool Gibbed( name damageType ) 
This function is called to determine whether the pawn has been gibbed rather than merely killed.
GibbedBy( Actor (UT) Other ) 
This function is called when one pawn is gibbed by another pawn.
Initialises the player's name on the player replication info object if it is not already specified.
Turns all collision off, calls TweenToFighter( 0.1 ), and sets the bHidden property to true.
Killed( Pawn (UT) Killer, Pawn (UT) Other, name damageType ) 
Called when the pawn is killed.
string KillMessage( name damageType, Pawn (UT) Other ) 
This function generates the message displayed when the pawn is killed. In UT this is the value returned by the PlayerKillMessage on the game type class.
SendGlobalMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo (UT) Recipient, name MessageType, byte MessageID, float Wait) 
Sends a voice message to all players.
SendTeamMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo (UT) Recipient, name MessageType, byte MessageID, float Wait) 
Sends a voice message to players on the same team.
bool SwitchToBestWeapon ( ) [exec] 
Switches to the pawn's best weapon (based upon the pawn's weapon preference).
TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn (UT) instigatedBy, vector hitlocation, vector momentum, name damageType) 
This is the function that actually applies any damage the pawn should take to the pawn. It contains traps for "god" mode, and armour. It also calls the mutator functions MutatorTakeDamage().
TakeFallingDamage ( ) 
This function is used to apply any damage caused by falling to far to the pawn.
TeamBroadcast( coerce string Msg ) 
This function sends Msg to all players (if not a team game) or all players on the same team if in a team game.
Actor (UT) TraceShot (out vector HitLocation, out vector HitNormal, vector EndTrace, vector StartTrace) 
This function is used by instant hit weapons to determine whether they have hit an actor or not. The initial "hit" result is modified within this function based upon the shape of the target actor e.g. whether ducking or not.
bool AdjustHitLocation (out vector HitLocation, vector TraceDir) [simulated] 
Adjust hit location - adjusts the hit location in for pawns, and returns true if it was really a hit, and false if not (for ducking, etc.)

See Also[edit]