Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd
Legacy:Pawn Scripting Reference
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
ScriptedPawn commands for AI Scripting in UT.
- addammo
- ammostring amount [maxclip] gives N units of specified ammo to NPC, if maxclip=1 makes sure clip is as full as possible.
- agentbind
- inputname valuename sets and locks an agent input to a given value, for characters with agent-driven meshes
- agentcall
- actionname [wait] calls an agent action of the given name, for characters with agent-driven meshes
- agentexecute
- actiontext [wait] compiles and executes a GAL string on-the-fly as if were inside an action, and calls it
- agentunbind
- inputname unlocks an agent input previously locked and set with AgentBind
- animloop
- name [rate tweentime [wait]] loops specified anim on channel 0
- animloopex
- channel name [rate tweentime [wait]] loops specified anim on arbitrary channel
- animplay
- name [rate tweentime [wait]] plays specified anim on channel 0
- animplayex
- channel name [rate tweentime [wait]] plays specified anim on arbitrary channel
- animrelease
- allow NPC to control anims (currently idle only)
- animtween
- name [tweentime [wait]] tweens specified anim on channel 0
- animtweenex
- channel name [tweentime [wait]] tweens specified anim on arbitrary channel
- call
- label pushes line after current one and jumps to given label
- callscript
- scriptname pushes current script state and switches to specified file
- callend
- aborts any previously pushed call (can no longer return)
- clearevents
- clears any current onevents
- cleartimers
- clears any current general timers
- cleartriggers
- clears any current ontriggers
- consolecommand
- command executes given console command
- debugai
- 0/1 enables/disables debug AI mode in controlled NPC
- debugaievents
- 0/1 enables/disables debug events mode in controlled NPC
- debugaiflags
- ### explicitely sets debug AI flags in controlled NPC
- debugmode
- flags enables/disables various debug modes for the script controller
- decproperty
- name property value [#] decrements (integer) property in named actor by 1 or by #
- deployinventory
- S [1] deploy given inventory item [alt deploy it]
- destroy
- destroy controlled NPC (and controller)
- dialogdisable
- topicname disable this dialog node
- dialogenable
- topicname enable this dialog node
- dialogfar
- topicname speaker1 [speaker2] starts dialog b/w 2 npcs regardless of distance
- dialogfarwait
- topicname speaker1 [speaker2] waits for dialog b/w 2 npcs to finish
- dialoginitiate
- speaker topicname tries to initiate given dialog with given target
- dialogterminate
- speaker tries to remove NPC from dialog
- directionalpatrol
- 0/1 whether NPC faces in direction of patrol destination
- dormant
- 0/1 [1] toggle whether NPC (Pawn and Controller) is dormant (bStasis=true and Physics=PHYS_None) [1] means stay dormant even if script removed?
- dropinventory
- S drop given inventory item
- enableprobeevent
- probename 0|1 enables/disables NPC probe event (for performance) e.g. enableprobeevent seeplayer 0 -> no more seeplayer events
- enablexmphandling
- 0/1 enables/disables NPC reacting to XMP items (inert 0/1 sets this to 1/0 use enablexmphandling 0/1 to override this).
- error
- used internally
- eventdisable
- event disables event
- eventenable
- event enables event
- eventwait
- event waits until event occurs
- findactor
- [name Min Max Type Vis Num gotolabel targetlabel] searches for actors in level (all args optional)
- fire
- [duration] fire (weapon / animation-based) for given duration
- firealt
- [duration] alt fire (weapon / animation-based) for given duration
- gib
- [bDestroy] [gorelevel] gib controlled NPC. If gib fails, bDestroy determines if npc is killed or destroyed. Gore level overrides the gibset's default gore level
- giball
- targetclass [bDestroy] [gorelevel] gib all actors of the given class. . If gib fails, bDestroy determines if npc is killed or destroyed. Gore level overrides the gibset's default gore level
- giveinventory
- inventorystring gives the specified inventory item to the NPC
- giveitemtoplayer
- inventorystring [ammocount] give item to player, if ammocount treats as ammo and adds this much ammo to player's inventory
- givetosseditem
- inventorystring add item to tossed items list
- gotoactor
- targetname [dist [face]] sends NPC to specifed actor at specified dist (error if target not found), face=1 ==> try to face target (e.g. for initiating dialog)
- gotoactorsafe
- targetname [dist [face]] sends NPC to specifed actor at specified dist (not an error if target not found), face=1 ==> try to face target (e.g. for initiating dialog)
- gotolabel
- label jumps to given label
- incproperty
- name property value [#] increments (integer) property in named actor by 1 or by #
- inert
- 0/1 toggles NPC reacting to sensory input – shorthand for toggling bump, hearnoise, seeplayer, tookdamage
- handlergroup
- denotes start of a new handler groups (can't be in one currently?)
- handlergroupend
- denotes end of a new handler groups (must be in one currently)
- headtracking
- 0/1
- jump
- X Y Z launch NPC in given direction
- kill
- kill controlled NPC (goes into dying state)
- killall
- targetclass kill all actors of the given class
- lockstep
- name [f] maintain given or current distance from named actor (for keeping squads in formation)
- message
- string [0|1|2] displays the given message in-game (surround with "" for multiple words) 0: onscreen 1: log 2: onscreen and log
- onevent
- xxx [gotolabel ### [clear]] when event xxx occurs, jumps to given label (or disables previous onevent)
- ontimer
- index [delay repeat gotolabel ###] adds a general-purpose timer
- ontrigger
- name [gotolabel ###] when trigger with given event name occurs, jumps to given label (or disables previous ontrigger)
- playsound
- name sound [slot [volume [bNoOverride [Radius [Pitch]]]]] plays sound through named actor (or self=controlled NPC)
- playsoundwait
- name sound [slot [volume [bNoOverride [Radius [Pitch]]]]] plays sound through named actor (or self=controlled NPC) and script waits for sound to finish
- playsoundtableslot
- name slot play sound belonging to the specified group from named pawn's sound table
- playsoundtableslotwait
- name slot play sound belonging to the specified group from named pawn's sound table and script waits for sound to finish
- removeinventory
- [string] removes all [or the specified] inventory from the NPC
- removeinventoryfromplayer
- [string] removes all [or the specified] inventory from the player
- removeitemfromplayer
- inventorystring add item to player's inventory
- removetosseditem
- inventorystring remove item from tossed items list
- resumepatrol
- startlabel endlabel finds the "best" destination at which the resume patrolling and jumps to that line
- return
- returns to most recently pushed line or script state (error if no applicable)
- rotate
- #.# rotate #.# degrees clockwise (right) relative to forward
- savedestination
- copies GotoActorTarget into SavedDestination for later use with resumepatrol
- sendevent
- EventName [triggerpawns] triggers all Actors with tag that matches given Event, or all NPCs
- setactorrangetest
- target distance sets the InRangeActor and InRangeDistance for ActorInRange/ActorOutOfRange events
- setaimodds
- odds sets odds of hitting target when firing weapon under script control
- setalert
- 0/1 controls whether NPC uses "alert" animations
- setammo
- ammostring amount [maxclip] makes sure NPC has exactly specified amount of given type of ammo, if maxclip=1 makes sure clip is as full as possible
- setfocus
- [name] set scripted focus to given actor or clear focus
- sethealth
- x.x sets controlled NPC's health to x.x
- setinventory
- targetname inventorystring sets target's selected inventory to x.x
- setlocation
- locationname [allowfail] move pawn to location of locationame
- setlocationnamed
- targetname locationname [allowfail] move actor matching targetname to location of locationame
- setlocationvector
- targetname X Y Z move targetname to given coordinates
- setmovespeed
- speed [stance] 0.01 to MaxDesiredSpeed (usually 1.0) – set speed used for scripted movement
- setmovespeedauto
- speed 0.01 to MaxDesiredSpeed (usually 1.0) – set speed used for autonomous movement
- setorders
- orders [OrdersObject [fparam [ordergiver]]] sets/clears orders
- setphysics
- physics
- setproperty
- targetname property value sets property in named actor to value
- setproperties
- classname property value sets given property in all actors which are a classname
- setsatellite
- satellitename [targetname] binds a mesh satellite node of the given name to the given target, for dynamic animations
- setscript
- filename [startlabel] switches over to the given script [at the given label]
- setskill
- skill set NPC's skill to given value (0.0..1.0)
- setstance
- stand / crouch / prone specifies stance that NPC should use while patrolling
- setstationary
- 1/0 [1] makes NPC immobile/mobile, optionally forever
- settacticalmovetype
- 0/1/2 sets tactical move type to use during scripted movement (0: none 1: basic 2: serpentine)
- setweapon
- weaponstring set NPC's weapon to specified one, spawning it if necessary
- shutdown
- 1/0 makes NPC as inert as possible without actually making it dormant or removing its controller
- sleep
- [x.x] puts controller to sleep for x.x seconds (defaults to "forever")
- sleeprand
- [x.x] puts controller to sleep for random time in 0..x.x seconds (x.x defaults to 1.0)
- spawn
- targetname S [1 [filename [startlabel]]] spawn given actor at targetname's location, if 1 is given, failure = error, optionally gives spawned NPCs a script
- stop
- stops execution, detaches script controller
- stopmovement
- stops NPC movement
- stopsound
- slot [bStopNoOverrideSounds] stops any sounds played through the named actor on the specified sound slot
- testactorinrange
- name distance if given actor is outside given distance of pawn ==> next command skipped
- testproperty
- name property value property != value ==> next command skipped (string comparison)
- testpropertyci
- name property value property != value ==> next command skipped (case-insensitive string comparison)
- testpropertye
- name property value property != value ==> next command skipped (numerical comparison)
- testpropertyg
- name property value property <= value ==> next command skipped (numerical comparison)
- testpropertyge
- name property value property < value ==> next command skipped (numerical comparison)
- testpropertyl
- name property value property >= value ==> next command skipped (numerical comparison)
- testpropertyle
- name property value property > value ==> next command skipped (numerical comparison)
- testrandom
- float (if random number in 0.0..1.0 > value ==> next command skipped)
- teststate
- name name (false ==> next command skipped)
- turntoactor
- targetname [LOS [Lock]] turn NPC to face named actor, LOS=0 ==> LOS not needed, LOS=1 ==> LOS needed, LOS=2 ==> LOS not needed but turn anyway, Lock means target actor won't be cleared
- unuse
- name unuse the named actor
- use
- name use the named actor
- usepickups
- 0/1 if 0, won't go after or pickup pickups
- weaponload
- load current weapon
- WeaponSetAmmoType
- ammoname
- WeaponSupportsAltFire
- weaponname 0/1 disables/enables NPC being able to alt fire weapon
- WeaponSupportsFire
- weaponname 0/1 disables/enables NPC being able to primary fire weapon
- ActorInRange
- generated when the InRangeActor comes within the InRangeDistance
- ActorOutOfRange
- generated once when the InRangeActor comes goes out of the InRangeDistance
- AnimEnd
- goes to Controller unless Pawn has no Controller (dying state)
- AutoBegin
- goes to Controller, generated by U2NPCControllerScriptable
- AutoEnd
- goes to Controller, generated by Controller : seems to be used for after fighting conditions
- BumpEnemy
- NotifyBump –> Controller –> BumpEnemy/Friend/Other
- BumpFriend
- NotifyBump –> Controller –> BumpEnemy/Friend/Other
- BumpOther
- NotifyBump –> Controller –> BumpEnemy/Friend/Other
- BumpPlayer
- not an actual event: eventwait BumpPlayer –> BumpEnemy/BumpFriend checked for player
- DestinationReached
- goes to Controller
- DialogBegin
- generated by Controller before destroyed
- DialogUnPause
- generated when dialog unpauses npc's script
- Died
- generated by Controller before destroyed
- EnemyNotVisible
- goes to Controller
- HearNoiseFriendly
- HearNoise –> Controller –> HearNoiseFriendly
- HearNoiseOther
- HearNoise –> Controller –> HearNoiseOther
- HearNoiseThreat
- HearNoise –> Controller –> HearNoiseThreat
- InheritEnemy
- generated when NPC could inherit another NPC's Enemy
- ScriptedLanding
- generated when NPC in scripted state lands (not passed back to NPC)
- SeeAlertFriend
- SeeAlertFriend –> Controller
- SeeEnemy
- SeeEnemy –> Controller
- SeeFriend
- SeeFriend –> Controller –> SeeFriend
- SeeOther
- SeeOther –> Controller –> SeeOther
- SeePlayer
- not an actual event: eventwait SeePlayer –> SeeEnemy/SeeFriend checked for player
- TakeDamage
- goes to Pawn
- TookDamage
- eventTakeDamage –> TookDamage generated by U2NPCControllerScriptable
- TookDamageEnemy
- generated internall from TookDamage for use by scripts only
- TookDamageFriend
- generated internall from TookDamage for use by scripts only
- Trigger
- goes to Pawn then Controller
Related Topics[edit]
Unknown (author): (maybe explain what these are and where to put them? (I'll put that stuff in Basic Pawn Scripting Tutorial when i make it)).
SuperApe: This is from UT days of using ScriptedPawns. I'm hoping this can be used in conjunction with Basic ScriptedPawn Tutorial. That would most be in lieu of the Basic Pawn Scripting Tutorial, which hasn't been worked on (and has a confusing title when taken in context of UT200x). I am unsure about this formatting. This probably needs markup help.