Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
UE1:MTracer (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Object >> Actor >> Projectile >> MTracer |
- Package:
- BotPack
The minigun2 tracer projectile. It's only a visual and doesn't do any damage.
Default values[edit]
Property | Value |
AmbientGlow | 187 |
bReplicateInstigator | False |
bUnlit | True |
DrawScale | 0.8 |
LifeSpan | 2.0 |
LightBrightness | 255 |
LightEffect | LE_NonIncidence |
LightHue | 30 |
LightRadius | 3 |
LightSaturation | 69 |
LightType | LT_Steady |
MaxSpeed | 4000.0 |
Mesh | LodMesh'Botpack.MiniTrace' |
RemoteRole | ROLE_SimulatedProxy |
Speed | 4000.0 |
Style | STY_Translucent |
Texture | FireTexture'UnrealShare.Effect1.FireEffect1u' |
simulated event PostBeginPlay ()
Overrides: Actor.PostBeginPlay
Initializes the tracer's velocity and under low framerate conditions also turns off its light effect.
Other instance functions[edit]
simulated function Explode (Object.Vector HitLocation, Object.Vector HitNormal)
Overrides: Projectile.Explode
Destroys the tracer.
simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Object.Vector HitLocation)
Overrides: Projectile.ProcessTouch
Destroys the tracer if the touching actor is not its Instigator.