Mostly Harmless

UE1:TimeMessage (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Info >> LocalMessage >> LocalMessagePlus >> CriticalEventPlus >> TimeMessage

Warning messages and announcements for remaining game time.



Type: string

Array size: 16

Modifiers: localized

Remaining time display strings.

Default value, index 0: "5 minutes left in the game!"

Default value, index 2: "3 minutes left in the game!"

Default value, index 3: "2 minutes left in the game!"

Default value, index 4: "1 minute left in the game!"

Default value, index 5: "30 seconds left!"

Default value, index 6: "10 seconds left!"

Default value, index 7: "9..."

Default value, index 8: "8..."

Default value, index 9: "7..."

Default value, index 10: "6..."

Default value, index 11: "5 seconds and counting..."

Default value, index 12: "4..."

Default value, index 13: "3..."

Default value, index 14: "2..."

Default value, index 15: "1..."


Type: Sound

Array size: 16

Remaining time announcement sounds.

Default value, index 0: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd5min'

Default value, index 2: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd3min'

Default value, index 4: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd1min'

Default value, index 6: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd10'

Default value, index 7: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd9'

Default value, index 8: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd8'

Default value, index 9: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd7'

Default value, index 10: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd6'

Default value, index 11: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd5'

Default value, index 12: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd4'

Default value, index 13: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd3'

Default value, index 14: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd2'

Default value, index 15: Sound'Announcer.(All).cd1'

Default values[edit]

Property Value
bBeep False

Static functions[edit]


static simulated function ClientReceive (PlayerPawn P, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject)

Overrides: LocalMessage.ClientReceive

Plays the TimeSound element with the same index as the Switch.


static function string GetString (optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject)

Overrides: LocalMessage.GetString

Returns the TimeMessage entry with the same index as the Switch.