UE2:Console Commands (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

Every console command declared in UnrealScript of UT2004 is listed here.

Command names with a A are commands only executable if you are an admin on the server or playing a standalone match(depends on command), Off are commands only execute if you are playing a standalone match, and On are online only.

Engine Commands

Pawn Commands

Main article: UE2:Pawn (UT2004)

NextItem - ???.

SwitchToLastWeapon - ???.

Controller Commands

Main article: UE2:Controller (UT2004)

SwitchToBestWeapon - ???.

PlayerController Commands

Main article: UE2:PlayerController (UT2004)

ActivateInventoryItem - Activate a specified item in your inventory.

  1. Class InvItem - The classname of the item you want to activate.

ActivateItem - Activate the current selected item in your inventory.

AdminA - Execute a specified command on the side of the server you are on.

  1. string CommandLine - The command to use.

AdminDebugA - ???.

  1. string CommandLine - The command to use.

AdminGUIA - (Obsolete)This was a planned feature that never made it to the final game.

AdminLogin - Login as an administrator on the server you are on.

  1. string CmdLine - The account name(optional) and followed by a password(required).

AdminLogoutA - Give up administrator abilities.

AltFire - ???.

  1. optional float F - ???.

BehindView - Change your view of point.

  1. bool B - true to enable behindview, false to disable behindview.

ChangeTeam - ???.

  1. int N - ???.

ChatDebug - ???.

ClearProgressMessages - ???.

Command - ???.

  1. string RecognizedString - ???.

CreateCameraEffect - ???.

  1. Class<CameraEffect> EffectClass - ???.

DisableVoiceChat - ???.

EnableVoiceChat - ???.

Fire - ???.

  1. optional float F - ???.

ForceReload - ???.

FOV - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

GetWeapon - ???.

  1. Class<Weapon> NewWeaponClass - ???.

GetWeaponStats - ???.

InvertLook - ???.

InvertMouse - ???.

  1. optional string Invert - ???.

Join - ???.

  1. string ChanName - ???.
  2. string ChanPwd - ???.

Jump - ???.

  1. optional float F - ???.

KillAll - ???.

  1. Class<Actor> aClass - ???.

Leave - ???.

  1. string ChannelTitle - ???.

LocalTravel - ???.

  1. string URL - ???.

Mutate - Calls the Mutate function in every mutator so that mutators can implement server side console commands. There are no build-in mutate commands.

  1. string MutateString - The mutator console command to execute.

NextWeapon - ???.

Pause - ???.

PipedSwitchWeapon - ???.

  1. byte F - ???.

PrevItem - ???.

PrevWeapon - ???.

QuickLoad - ???.

QuickSave - ???.

RestartLevel - ???.

Say - Broadcast a specified message to all the players in the current map.

  1. string Msg - The message to broadcast. Note: color tags are stripped, however UTComp does not follow that rule.

SetAutoTaunt - ???.

  1. bool Value - ???.

SetChatPassword - ???.

  1. string NewPassword - ???.

SetFlashScaling - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetMouseAccel - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetMouseSmoothing - ???.

  1. int Mode - ???.

SetName - Change your player name to the specified string.

  1. string S - The new name to use. Note: The space character is replaced with a _ and color tags are stripped, however UTComp provides an alternative to colorize your name.

SetProgressMessage - ???.

  1. int Index - ???.
  2. string S - ???.
  3. Core.Object.Color C - ???.

SetProgressTime - ???.

  1. float t - ???.

SetSensitivity - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetSpectateSpeed - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetVoice - ???.

  1. string S - ???.

SetWeaponHand - ???.

  1. string S - ???.

ShowGun - ???.

ShowMenu - Opens the escape menu.

ShowVoteMenu - 'Opens the voting menu.

Speak - ???.

  1. string ChannelTitle - ???.

SpeakDefault - ???.

SpeakLast - ???.

Speech - ???.

  1. name Type - ???.
  2. int Index - ???.
  3. string Callsign - ???.

Suicide - Kill yourself. Note: There's a spawn protection of 10 seconds online and 1 second offline, (for trials)this can be changed with the MutNoAutoFire mutator to anything you like, it can be used by using mutate suicide, it is recommend to bind your suicide key to both e.g. set input c mutate suicide | suicide.

SwitchLevel - Switch map to a specified map set in URL.

  1. string URL - The map name with optional options such as Game=UT2K4Assault.ASGameInfo?Mutator=Package.Name,Package2.Name.

SwitchTeam - Switch from team i.e. if you are on red(attackers) then you will be switched to the opposite blue(defenders) and vice versa.

SwitchWeapon - ???.

  1. byte F - ???.

TeamSay - ???.

  1. string Msg - ???.

ThrowWeapon - ???.

ToggleBehindView - ???.

ToggleScreenShotMode - ???.

Use - ???.

Inventory Commands

Main article: UE2:Inventory (UT2004)

updaterelative - ???.

  1. int Pitch - ???.
  2. int Yaw - ???.
  3. int Roll - ???.

GameInfo Commands

Main article: UE2:GameInfo (UT2004)

AdminSay - ???.

  1. string Msg - ???.

KillBots - ???.

  1. int Num - ???.

HUD Commands

Main article: UE2:HUD (UT2004)

GrowHUD - ???.

NextStats - ???.

ShowDebug - ???.

ShowHud - ???.

ShowScores - ???.

ShowStats - ???.

ShrinkHUD - ???.

PlayerInput Commands

Main article: UE2:PlayerInput (UT2004)

SetSmoothingMode - ???.

  1. byte B - ???.

SetSmoothingStrength - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

AdminBase Commands

Main article: UE2:AdminBase (UT2004)

Kick - ???.

  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.

KickBan - ???.

  1. string S - ???.

Map - ???.

  1. string Cmd - ???.

MapList - ???.

  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.

NextMap - Switch to the next map in the map rotation list.

PlayerList - ???.

RestartMap - Restart the current map.

Switch - ???.

  1. string URL - ???.

CheatManager Commands

Main article: UE2:CheatManager (UT2004)

Note: All CheatManager commands work offline only.

AllAmmo - Loads up the players weapons with the maximum ammo.

AllWeapons - Gives all the available weapon to player.

Amphibious - Can stay under water.

Avatar - ???.

  1. string ClassName - ???.

CauseEvent - ???.

  1. name EventName - ???.

ChangeSize - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

CheatView - ???.

  1. Class<Actor> aClass - ???.
  2. optional bool bQuiet - ???.

ClearAllDebugLines - ???.

DisableNextObjective - ???.

EnableCheats - ???.

EndPath - ???.

Fly - ???.

FreeCamera - ???.

  1. bool B - ???.

FreezeAll - ???.

FreezeFrame - ???.

  1. float Delay - ???.

Ghost - ???.

God - ???.

Invisible - ???.

  1. bool B - ???.

JumpMatch - ???.

  1. int ladderrung - ???.

KillPawns - ???.

KillViewedActor - ???.

ListDynamicActors - ???.

Loaded - ???.

LockCamera - ???.

LogScriptedSequences - ???.

Phil - ???.

PlayersOnly - ???.

RememberSpot - ???.

ReviewJumpSpots - ???.

  1. name TestLabel - ???.

ruler - ???.

SetCameraDist - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetFlash - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetFogB - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetFogG - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetFogR - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetGravity - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetJumpZ - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SetSpeed - ???.

  1. float F - ???.

SkipMatch - ???.

SloMo - ???.

  1. float t - ???.

Summon - ???.

  1. string ClassName - ???.

Teleport - ???.

ViewActor - ???.

  1. name ActorName - ???.

ViewBot - ???.

ViewClass - ???.

  1. Class<Actor> aClass - ???.
  2. optional bool bQuiet - ???.
  3. optional bool bCheat - ???.

ViewFlag - ???.

ViewPlayer - ???.

  1. string S - ???.

ViewSelf - ???.

  1. optional bool bQuiet - ???.

ViewTurretOff - ???.

Walk - ???.

WeakObjectives - ???.

WinMatch - ???.

WriteToLog - ???.

  1. string Param - ???.

Console Commands

Main article: UE2:Console (UT2004)

ConsoleClose - ???.

ConsoleOpen - ???.

ConsoleToggle - ???.

StartRollingDemo - ???.

StopRollingDemo - ???.

Talk - ???.

TeamTalk - ???.

Type - ???.

StreamInteraction Commands

Main article: UE2:StreamInteraction (UT2004)

GetCurrentStream - ???.

NextSong - ???.

  1. optional bool bForce - ???.

PauseSong - ???.

PlaySong - ???.

  1. string SongName - ???.
  2. float InitialTime - ???.

PrevSong - ???.

  1. optional bool bForce - ???.

SeekStream - ???.

  1. float Seconds - ???.

SetMusicVolume - ???.

  1. float NewVolume - ???.

StopSong - ???.

streamdebug - ???.

  1. string Command - ???.
  2. string Param - ???.

Onslaught Commands

ONSHUDOnslaught Commands

Main article: UE2:ONSHUDOnslaught (UT2004)

CopyLinkSetup - ???.

LinkDesigner - ???.

ToggleRadarMap - ???.

UnrealGame Commands

UnrealPlayer Commands

Main article: UE2:UnrealPlayer (UT2004)

BasePath - ???.

  1. byte Num - ???.

DropFlag - ???.

NetDebugBot - ???.

PlayVehicleHorn - ???.

  1. int HornIndex - ???.

RandomTaunt - ???.

ShowAI - ???.

SoakBots - ???.

TAUNT - ???.

  1. name Sequence - ???.

DeathMatch Commands

Main article: UE2:DeathMatch (UT2004)

AddBots - ???.

  1. int Num - ???.

AddNamedBot - ???.

  1. string botname - ???.

KillBots - ???.

  1. int Num - ???.

CinematicPlayer Commands

Main article: UE2:CinematicPlayer (UT2004)

GotoMenu - ???.

  1. string MenuName - ???.

DemoRecSpectator Commands

Main article: UE2:DemoRecSpectator (UT2004)

DemoViewNextPlayer - ???.

ViewClass - ???.

  1. Class<Actor> aClass - ???.
  2. optional bool bQuiet - ???.
  3. optional bool bCheat - ???.

UT2K4Assault Commands

HUD_Assault Commands

Main article: UE2:HUD_Assault (UT2004)

ShowObjectiveBoard - ???.

ShowSpawnAreas - ???.

ASGameInfo Commands

Main article: UE2:ASGameInfo (UT2004)

NewRound - ???.

ASVehicle_SpaceFighter Commands

Main article: UE2:ASVehicle_SpaceFighter (UT2004)

TargetClosestToCrosshair - ???.

UTV2004c Commands

utvReplication Commands

Main article: UE2:utvReplication (UT2004)

utvsay - ???.

  1. string S - ???.

XAdmin Commands

AdminIni Commands

Main article: UE2:AdminIni (UT2004)

Bots - ???.

  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.

Game - ???.

  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.

Mutators - ???.

  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.

User - ???.

  1. string Cmd - ???.
  2. string Extra - ???.

XGame Commands

xPlayer Commands

Main article: UE2:xPlayer (UT2004)

AdminMenu - ???.

  1. string CommandLine - ???.

ChangeCharacter - ???.

  1. string newCharacter - ???.

check - ???.

CheckPriority - ???.

L33TPhrase - ???.

  1. int PhraseNum - ???.

ShowAliases - ???.

ShowBindings - ???.

SpecViewGoal - ???.

XInterface Commands

ExtendedConsole Commands

Main article: UE2:ExtendedConsole (UT2004)

AddCurrentToFavorites - Adds current server to favorites.

Cls - ???.

ConsoleClose - ???.

ConsoleOpen - ???.

ConsoleToggle - ???.

DebugTabOrder - ???.

DLO - ???.

  1. string ClassName - ???.
  2. string ClassType - ???.

DumpLoadingHints - ???.

  1. string Param - ???.

DumpPlayInfo - ???.

  1. string Group - ???.

DumpRecords - ???.

  1. string Type - ???.

IngameChat - ???.

MusicMenu - ???.

PlayWaitingGame - ???.

ServerInfo - ???.

SpeechMenuToggle - ???.

TeamChatOnly - ???.

XWebAdmin Commands

UTServerAdminSpectator Commands

Main article: UE2:UTServerAdminSpectator (UT2004)

DumpMaplists - ???.

  1. string GameType - ???.

See also

External links