I search for solutions in this order: Past Code, Unreal Source, Wiki, BUF, groups.yahoo, google, screaming at monitor. – RegularX

UE2:GUIStyles (UT2003)

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UT2003 Object >> GUI >> GUIStyles
Direct subclasses:
STY_IRCEntry, STY_IRCText, STY_LadderButton, STY_NoBackground, STY_Page, STY_RosterButton, STY_RoundButton, STY_ScrollZone, STY_ServerBrowserGridHeader, STY_ServerBrowserGrid, STY_SliderCaption, STY_SquareButton, STY_TabButton, STY_TextButton, STY_TextLabel
This class in other games:
UE2Runtime, UT2004

Class: XInterface.GUIStyles

The GUIStyle is an object that is used to describe common visible components of the interface.

Written by Joe Wilcox (c) 2002, Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved



Type: int

Array size: 4

How thick is the border

Default value, index 0: 9

Default value, index 1: 9

Default value, index 2: 9

Default value, index 3: 9


Type: bool


Type: Object.Color

Array size: 5

This array holds 1 font color for each state

Default value, index 0:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255

Default value, index 1:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255

Default value, index 2:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255

Default value, index 3:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255

Default value, index 4:

Member Value
A 255
B 128
G 128
R 128


Type: string

Array size: 5

Default value, index 0: "UT2MenuFont"

Default value, index 1: "UT2MenuFont"

Default value, index 2: "UT2MenuFont"

Default value, index 3: "UT2MenuFont"

Default value, index 4: "UT2MenuFont"


Type: GUIFont

Array size: 5

Holds the fonts for each state


Type: Material

Array size: 5

This array holds 1 material for each state (Blurry, Watched, Focused, Pressed, Disabled)


Type: Object.Color

Array size: 5

This array holds 1 image color for each state

Default value, index 0:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255

Default value, index 1:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255

Default value, index 2:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255

Default value, index 3:

Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255

Default value, index 4:

Member Value
A 255
B 128
G 128
R 128


Type: GUI.eImgStyle

Array size: 5

How should each image for each state be drawed

Default value, index 0: ISTY_Stretched

Default value, index 1: ISTY_Stretched

Default value, index 2: ISTY_Stretched

Default value, index 3: ISTY_Stretched

Default value, index 4: ISTY_Stretched


Type: string

This is the name of the style used for lookup


Type: GUI.EMenuRenderStyle

Array size: 5

The render styles for each state

Default value, index 0: MSTY_Normal

Default value, index 1: MSTY_Normal

Default value, index 2: MSTY_Normal

Default value, index 3: MSTY_Normal

Default value, index 4: MSTY_Normal



delegate bool OnDraw (Canvas Canvas, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float left, float top, float width, float height)


delegate bool OnDrawText (Canvas Canvas, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float left, float top, float width, float height, GUI.eTextAlign Align, string Text)


Native functions[edit]


native function Draw (Canvas Canvas, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float left, float top, float width, float height)


native function DrawText (Canvas Canvas, GUI.eMenuState MenuState, float left, float top, float width, float height, GUI.eTextAlign Align, string Text)



event Initialize ()