UE2:StaticMeshActor (UT2004)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- Package:
- Engine
- Known custom subclasses:
- Crusha/DynamicWeather, Crusha/DynamicWeather/DWStaticMesh
- This class in other games:
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StaticMeshActor. An actor that is drawn using a static mesh(a mesh that never changes, and can be cached in video memory, resulting in a speed boost).
Property group 'StaticMeshActor'
Type: bool
nonzero extent projectiles should shrink to zero when hitting this actor
Default value: True
Default values
Property | Value |
bBlockActors | True |
bBlockKarma | True |
bCollideActors | True |
bEdShouldSnap | True |
bShadowCast | True |
bStatic | True |
bStaticLighting | True |
bUseDynamicLights | True |
bWorldGeometry | True |
CollisionHeight | 1.0 |
CollisionRadius | 1.0 |
DrawType | DT_StaticMesh |