Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd
UE2:Tab_VideoSettings (UE2Runtime)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Object >> GUI >> GUIComponent >> GUIMultiComponent >> GUIPanel >> GUITabPanel >> Tab_VideoSettings |
- Package:
- RTInterface
- This class in other games:
- UT2003, UT2004
This is an auto-generated page and may need human attention. Please remove the {{autogenerated}} tag if the page seems reasonably complete or replace it with the {{expand}} tag if the page is not yet complete. |
Type: string
Array size: 2
Modifiers: localized
Default value, index 0: "16-bit Color"
Default value, index 1: "32-bit Color"
Type: DisplayMode
Array size: 14
Default value, index 0:
Member | Value |
Height | 240 |
Width | 320 |
Default value, index 1:
Member | Value |
Height | 384 |
Width | 512 |
Default value, index 10:
Member | Value |
Height | 1200 |
Width | 1600 |
Default value, index 11:
Member | Value |
Height | 1050 |
Width | 1680 |
Default value, index 12:
Member | Value |
Height | 1200 |
Width | 1920 |
Default value, index 13:
Member | Value |
Height | 480 |
Width | 640 |
Default value, index 14:
Member | Value |
Height | 600 |
Width | 800 |
Default value, index 15:
Member | Value |
Height | 640 |
Width | 1024 |
Default value, index 16:
Member | Value |
Height | 768 |
Width | 1024 |
Default value, index 17:
Member | Value |
Height | 864 |
Width | 1152 |
Default value, index 18:
Member | Value |
Height | 800 |
Width | 1280 |
Default value, index 19:
Member | Value |
Height | 960 |
Width | 1280 |
Default value, index 20:
Member | Value |
Height | 1024 |
Width | 1280 |
Type: bool
Default values[edit]
Property | Value |
Controls[0] | moComboBox'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.VideoResolution' |
Controls[1] | moComboBox'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.VideoColorDepth' |
Controls[10] | GUISlider'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.ContrastSlider' |
Controls[11] | GUIImage'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.GammaBar' |
Controls[2] | moCheckBox'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.VideoFullScreen' |
Controls[3] | GUIButton'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.VideoApply' |
Controls[4] | GUIImage'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.GammaBK' |
Controls[5] | GUILabel'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.GammaLabel' |
Controls[6] | GUISlider'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.GammaSlider' |
Controls[7] | GUILabel'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.BrightnessLabel' |
Controls[8] | GUISlider'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.BrightnessSlider' |
Controls[9] | GUILabel'RTInterface.Tab_VideoSettings.ContrastLabel' |
WinHeight | 0.74 |
WinTop | 0.15 |
Instance functions[edit]
function bool ApplyChanges (GUIComponent Sender)
function CheckSupportedResolutions ()
function InitComponent (GUIController MyController, GUIComponent MyOwner)
Overrides: GUIPanel.InitComponent
function InternalOnChange (GUIComponent Sender)
function InternalOnLoadINI (GUIComponent Sender, string s)
function string InternalOnSaveINI (GUIComponent Sender)
function Refresh ()