Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.

UE2:UT2K4Tab_MidGameVoiceChat defaults (UT2004)

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;Other member categories for this class::UT2K4Tab MidGameVoiceChat properties

Default values[edit]

Property Value
OnPreDraw PreDraw



Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
Caption "Ban Player"
Hint "Ban this player from your personal voice chat channel"
MenuState MSAT_Disabled
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 5
WinHeight 0.04984
WinLeft 0.647884
WinTop 0.814932
WinWidth 0.338524


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
Caption "Ignore Speech"
Hint "Do not receive any speech messages, such as \"Incoming!\" from this player"
MenuState MSAT_Disabled
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 3
WinHeight 0.04984
WinLeft 0.647884
WinTop 0.685424
WinWidth 0.338524


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
Caption "Ignore Text"
Hint "Do not receive any text messages from this player"
MenuState MSAT_Disabled
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 2
WinHeight 0.04984
WinLeft 0.647884
WinTop 0.62067
WinWidth 0.338524


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
Caption "Ignore Voice Chat"
Hint "Do not receive any voice chat messages from this player, in any voice chat room"
MenuState MSAT_Disabled
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 4
WinHeight 0.04984
WinLeft 0.647884
WinTop 0.750178
WinWidth 0.338524


Class: GUI2K4.AltSectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
BottomPadding 0.0
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Voice Options"
TopPadding 0.04
WinHeight 0.394391
WinLeft 0.512544
WinTop 0.508063
WinWidth 0.462019


Class: GUI2K4.AltSectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
BottomPadding 0.0
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Players"
LeftPadding 0.0
RightPadding 0.0
TopPadding 0.0
WinHeight 0.899506
WinLeft 0.01925
WinTop 0.030325
WinWidth 0.462019


Class: XInterface.GUIListBox

Property Value
bInitializeList False
OnChange ListChange
StyleName "NoBackground"
TabOrder 0
WinHeight 0.51875
WinLeft 0.05625
WinTop 0.041667
WinWidth 0.43125


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bStandardized True
Caption "Reset"
Hint "Reset & reload all player chat restrictions"
MenuState MSAT_Disabled
OnClick InternalOnClick
TabOrder 7
WinHeight 0.051836
WinLeft 0.682745
WinTop 0.899668
WinWidth 0.120067


Class: GUI2K4.AltSectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
BottomPadding 0.0
bScaleToParent True
Caption "Spectators"
LeftPadding 0.0
RightPadding 0.0
TopPadding 0.0
WinHeight 0.468385
WinLeft 0.512544
WinTop 0.030325
WinWidth 0.462019


Class: XInterface.GUIListBox

Property Value
bInitializeList False
OnChange ListChange
StyleName "NoBackground"
TabOrder 1
WinHeight 0.51875
WinLeft 0.53125
WinTop 0.041667
WinWidth 0.43125