Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel

UE3:GameKActorSpawnableEffect (UDK)

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UDK Object >> Actor >> DynamicSMActor >> KActor >> GameKActorSpawnableEffect

KActor used for spawning "effect" type of physics objects. (e.g. gun magazines) This will nice "fade to nothing when it is dying.

So in PhysX2 when we use smallish collision on objects we will get tunneling and that will cause the object to either fall directly through the ground or bounce a little bit and then fall through the ground.

CCD currently is slow, has some bugs, and is a global setting (as opposed to compartment)

So for physx2 you need to make a larger than correct box/shape and that should stop these RigidBodyies from falling through the world.

One way to do that is with the "Set Collision from Builder Brush" functionality. Make a builder brush around the object and use that for the collision!

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Default values[edit]

Property Value
bBlockActors False
bBlocksNavigation False
bCollideActors False
bNoDelete False
LifeSpan 30.0
RemoteRole ROLE_None



Class: Engine.DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent

Inherits from: KActor.MyLightEnvironment

Property Value
bCastShadows False


Class: Engine.StaticMeshComponent

Inherits from: KActor.StaticMeshComponent0

Property Value
bAcceptsDynamicDecals False
bAcceptsStaticDecals False
BlockActors False
CastShadow False
LightEnvironment DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent'GameFramework.Default__GameKActorSpawnableEffect:MyLightEnvironment'
ReplacementPrimitive None



simulated event FellOutOfWorld (class<DamageTypedmgType)

Overrides: KActor.FellOutOfWorld

called when the actor falls out of the world 'safely' (below KillZ and such)


simulated event PostBeginPlay ()

Overrides: KActor.PostBeginPlay


simulated event Tick (float DeltaTime)

Overrides: Actor.Tick