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'''Specified by:''' {{tl|SetDataStoreBinding|UIDataStoreSubscriber}}
'''Specified by:''' {{tl|SetDataStoreBinding|UIDataStoreSubscriber}}
''(Description copied from {{tl|SetDataStoreBinding|UIDataStoreSubscriber}})''<br/>
Sets the data store binding for this object to the text specified.
Sets the data store binding for this object to the text specified.

Revision as of 05:24, 17 January 2010

UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIScreenObject >> UIObject >> UIProgressBar
Implemented interfaces
This class in other games:


Property group 'Appearance'


Type: bool

specifies whether to draw the overlay texture or not


Type: UIRoot.EUIOrientation

Controls whether this progressbar is vertical or horizontal

Property group 'Components'


Type: UIComp_DrawImage

Modifiers: editinline, const, noclear

Component for rendering the background image

Default value: UIComp_DrawImage'ProgressBarBackgroundImageTemplate'


Type: UIComp_DrawImage

Modifiers: editinline, const, noclear

Component for rendering the fill image

Default value: UIComp_DrawImage'ProgressBarFillImageTemplate'


Type: UIComp_DrawImage

Modifiers: editinline, const, noclear

Component for rendering the overlay image

Default value: UIComp_DrawImage'ProgressBarOverlayImageTemplate'

Property group 'Data'


Type: UIRoot.UIDataStoreBinding

Modifiers: editconst, private

The data source that this progressbar's value will be linked to.

Default value:

Member Value
RequiredFieldType DATATYPE_RangeProperty


Type: UIRoot.UIRangeData

The value and range parameters for this progressbar.

Default value:

Member Value
CurrentValue 33.0
MaxValue 100.0
NudgeValue 1.0

Default values

Property Value
bSupportsPrimaryStyle False
DefaultStates[2] Class'Engine.UIState_Focused'
DefaultStates[3] Class'Engine.UIState_Active'
DefaultStates[4] Class'Engine.UIState_Pressed'
Member Value
ScaleType[3] EVALPOS_PixelOwner
Value[3] 32.0
Member Value
DefaultStyleTag 'DefaultSliderStyle'
RequiredStyleClass Class'Engine.UIStyle_Image'



Class: Engine.UIComp_DrawImage

Property Value
Member Value
DefaultStyleTag 'DefaultSliderStyle'
StyleResolverTag 'Background Image Style'


Class: Engine.UIComp_DrawImage

Property Value
Member Value
DefaultStyleTag 'DefaultSliderBarStyle'
StyleResolverTag 'Fill Image Style'


Class: Engine.UIComp_DrawImage

Property Value
StyleResolverTag 'Overlay Image Style'


Class: Engine.UIComp_Event

Inherits from: UIObject.WidgetEventComponent

No new values.


Native functions


native final function ClearBoundDataStores ()

Specified by: UIDataStoreSubscriber.ClearBoundDataStores

Notifies this subscriber to unbind itself from all bound data stores


native final virtual function GetBoundDataStores (out array<UIDataStoreout_BoundDataStores)

Specified by: UIDataStoreSubscriber.GetBoundDataStores

Retrieves the list of data stores bound by this subscriber.


  • out_BoundDataStores - receives the array of data stores that subscriber is bound to.


native final virtual function string GetDataStoreBinding (optional int BindingIndex) const

Specified by: UIDataStoreSubscriber.GetDataStoreBinding

Retrieves the markup string corresponding to the data store that this object is bound to.


  • BindingIndex - optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.


a datastore markup string which resolves to the datastore field that this object is bound to, in the format: <DataStoreTag:DataFieldTag>


native final function float GetValue (optional bool bPercentageValue) const

Gets the current value of this progressbar


  • bPercentageValue - TRUE to format the result as a percentage of the total range of this progressbar.


native final virtual function NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated (UIDataStore SourceDataStore, bool bValuesInvalidated, name PropertyTag, UIDataProvider SourceProvider, int ArrayIndex)

Specified by: UIDataStoreSubscriber.NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated

Handler for the UIDataStore.OnDataStoreValueUpdated delegate. Used by data stores to indicate that some data provided by the data has changed. Subscribers should use this function to refresh any data store values being displayed with the updated value. notify subscribers when they should refresh their values from this data store.


  • SourceDataStore - the data store that generated the refresh notification; useful for subscribers with multiple data store bindings, to tell which data store sent the notification.
  • PropertyTag - the tag associated with the data field that was updated; Subscribers can use this tag to determine whether there is any need to refresh their data values.
  • SourceProvider - for data stores which contain nested providers, the provider that contains the data which changed.
  • ArrayIndex - for collection fields, indicates which element was changed. value of INDEX_NONE indicates not an array or that the entire array was updated.


native final virtual function bool RefreshSubscriberValue (optional int BindingIndex)

Specified by: UIDataStoreSubscriber.RefreshSubscriberValue

Resolves this subscriber's data store binding and updates the subscriber with the current value from the data store.


TRUE if this subscriber successfully resolved and applied the updated value.


native final virtual function bool SaveSubscriberValue (out array<UIDataStoreout_BoundDataStores, optional int BindingIndex)

Specified by: UIDataStorePublisher.SaveSubscriberValue

Resolves this subscriber's data store binding and publishes this subscriber's value to the appropriate data store.


  • out_BoundDataStores - contains the array of data stores that widgets have saved values to. Each widget that implements this method should add its resolved data store to this array after data values have been published. Once SaveSubscriberValue has been called on all widgets in a scene, OnCommit will be called on all data stores in this array.
  • BindingIndex - optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.


TRUE if the value was successfully published to the data store.


native final virtual function SetDataStoreBinding (string MarkupText, optional int BindingIndex)

Specified by: UIDataStoreSubscriber.SetDataStoreBinding

Sets the data store binding for this object to the text specified.


  • MarkupText - a markup string which resolves to data exposed by a data store. The expected format is: <DataStoreTag:DataFieldTag>
  • BindingIndex - optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.


native final function bool SetValue (coerce float NewValue, optional bool bPercentageValue)

Change the value of this progressbar at runtime.


  • NewValue - the new value for the progressbar.
  • bPercentageValue - TRUE indicates that the new value is formatted as a percentage of the total range of this progressbar.


TRUE if the progressbar's value was changed

Other instance functions


final function SetBackgroundImage (Surface NewImage)

Changes the background image for this progressbar, creating the wrapper UITexture if necessary.


  • NewBarImage - the new surface to use for the progressbar's background image


final function SetFillImage (Surface NewImage)

Changes the fill image for this progressbar, creating the wrapper UITexture if necessary.


  • NewImage - the new surface to use for progressbar's marker


final function SetOverlayImage (Surface NewImage)

Changes the overlay image for this progressbar, creating the wrapper UITexture if necessary.


  • NewOverlayImage - the new surface to use for the progressbar's overlay image