I search for solutions in this order: Past Code, Unreal Source, Wiki, BUF, groups.yahoo, google, screaming at monitor. – RegularX

Difference between revisions of "UE3:UTAttachment Redeemer (UT3)"

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(Auto-generated page)
Line 31: Line 31:
| 200
| 200
| {{tl|MuzzleFlashDuration||UTWeaponAttachment}}
| 0.33
| {{tl|MuzzleFlashLightClass||UTWeaponAttachment}}
| {{tl|MuzzleFlashLightClass||UTWeaponAttachment}}
Line 76: Line 79:
! Value
! Value
| 000000,Y
| X
| 11.0
| 000000,Z
| Y
| -10.0
| X
| Z
| 11.0
| 5.0

Latest revision as of 07:40, 23 May 2008

UT3 Object >> Actor >> UTWeaponAttachment >> UTAttachment_Redeemer

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Default values[edit]

Property Value
Member Value
A 255
B 64
G 64
R 200
MuzzleFlashDuration 0.33
MuzzleFlashLightClass Class'UTGame.UTRocketMuzzleFlashLight'
MuzzleFlashPSCTemplate ParticleSystem'Envy_Effects.Tests.Effects.P_FX_MuzzleFlash'
MuzzleFlashSocket 'MuzzleFlashSocket'
WeapAnimType EWAT_ShoulderRocket
WeaponClass Class'UTGameContent.UTWeap_Redeemer_Content'



Class: Engine.SkeletalMeshComponent

Inherits from: UTWeaponAttachment.SkeletalMeshComponent0

Property Value
Animations UTAnimNodeSequence'UTGameContent.Default__UTAttachment_Redeemer:SkeletalMeshComponent0.MeshSequenceA'
AnimSets[0] AnimSet'WP_Redeemer.Anims.K_WP_Redeemer_3P_Base'
bForceRefpose 0
SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh'WP_Redeemer.Mesh.SK_WP_Redeemer_3P_Mid'
Member Value
X 11.0
Y -10.0
Z 5.0

Instance functions[edit]


simulated function AttachTo (UTPawn OwnerPawn)

Overrides: UTWeaponAttachment.AttachTo

Called on a client, this function Attaches the WeaponAttachment to the Mesh.


simulated function SetPuttingDownWeapon (bool bNowPuttingDown)

Overrides: UTWeaponAttachment.SetPuttingDownWeapon

sets whether the weapon is being put away