Mostly Harmless
UE3:UTCTFBlueFlagBase (UDK)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 11:47, 6 November 2009 by (Talk)
Object >> Actor >> NavigationPoint >> Objective >> UTGameObjective >> UTCTFBase >> UTCTFBase_Content >> UTCTFBlueFlagBase |
- Package:
- UTGameContent
- This class in other games:
- UT3
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Default values[edit]
Property | Value |
bHasLocationSpeech | True |
Components[5] | ParticleSystemComponent'EmptyParticles' |
DefenderTeamIndex | 1 |
FlagBaseMaterial | MaterialInstanceConstant'Pickups.Base_Flag.Materials.M_Pickups_Base_Flag_Blue' |
FlagEmptyParticles | ParticleSystemComponent'EmptyParticles' |
FlagType | Class'UTGameContent.UTCTFBlueFlag' |
LocationSpeech[0] | SoundNodeWave'A_Character_IGMale.BotStatus.A_BotStatus_IGMale_InTheBlueBase' |
MidfieldHighSpeech[0] | SoundNodeWave'A_Character_IGMale.BotStatus.A_BotStatus_IGMale_MidfieldHigh' |
MidfieldLowSpeech[0] | SoundNodeWave'A_Character_IGMale.BotStatus.A_BotStatus_IGMale_MidfieldLow' |
NearLocationSpeech[0] | SoundNodeWave'A_Character_IGMale.BotStatus.A_BotStatus_IGMale_NearTheBlueBase' |
Class: Engine.ArrowComponent
Inherits from: UTCTFBase_Content.Arrow
Property | Value |
ReplacementPrimitive | None |
Class: Engine.CylinderComponent
Inherits from: UTCTFBase_Content.CollisionCylinder
Property | Value |
ReplacementPrimitive | None |
Class: Engine.ParticleSystemComponent
Property | Value |
bAutoActivate | False |
ReplacementPrimitive | None |
Template | ParticleSystem'Pickups.Flag.Effects.P_Flagbase_Empty_Idle_Blue' |
Class: Engine.DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent
Inherits from: UTCTFBase_Content.FlagBaseLightEnvironment
No new values.
Class: Engine.PathRenderingComponent
Inherits from: UTCTFBase_Content.PathRenderer
Property | Value |
ReplacementPrimitive | None |
Class: Engine.StaticMeshComponent
Inherits from: UTCTFBase_Content.StaticMeshComponent0
Property | Value |
ReplacementPrimitive | None |
Class: Engine.AudioComponent
Inherits from: UTCTFBase_Content.TakenSoundComponent
No new values.