Legacy:Info Class Hierarchy (P2)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

This page is a list of Actors that extend from Info in Postal 2.

An ellipsis (...) indicates the class tree is expanded on the parent's class information page.

+- AccessControl
+- BroadcastHandler
+- Chameleon
+- ChamelHead
+- FileLog
+- FontInfo
+- FPSDialog
|  +- P2Dialog
|     +- DialogGeneric
|        +- DialogFemale
|           +- DialogFemaleCop
|        +- DialogGary
|        +- DialogMale
|           +- DialogDude
|           +- DialogHabib
|              +- DialogFanatic
|           +- DialogKrotchy
|           +- DialogMaleCop
|              +- DialogMaleMilitary
|           +- DialogPriest
|           +- DialogRedneck
|           +- DialogRobber
|           +- DialogVince
+- GameInfo
|  +- FPSGameInfo
|     +- P2GameInfo
|        +- P2GameInfoMulti
|        |  +- MPGameInfo
|        |     +- DeathMatch (P2)
|        |        +- GrabBagGame
|        |        |  +- xGrabBag
|        |        +- TeamGame (P2)
|        |        |  +- CTFGame (P2)
|        |        |  |  +- xCTFGame (P2)
|        |        |  +- xTeamGame (P2)
|        |        +- xDeathMatch (P2)
|        +- P2GameInfoSingle
|           +- GameSinglePlayer
|           +- GameSinglePlayerDemo
+- GameRules
+- GameStats
|  +- MPGameStats (P2)
+- InternetInfo
|  +- not expanded
+- LevelGameRules (P2)
|  +- LevelGamePlay
+- LocalMessage
|  +- GameMessage
|  |  +- GameMessagePlus
|  +- LocalMessagePlus
|     +- ...
+- MapList
|  +- CTFMapList
|  +- DMMapList
|  +- GBMapList
|  +- TDMMapList
+- MatchIntro
|  +- TeamIntro
+- Mutator
|  +- DMMutator (P2)
|  |  +- xMutator (P2)
|  +- MutAlwaysGib
|  +- MutCTFNoTouchReturns
|  +- MutGBDoubleStrength
|  +- MutInstaKill
|  +- MutLowGrav
|  +- MutNoCrack
|  +- MutNoSavedHealth
+- PotentialClimbWatcher
+- ReplicationInfo

This page is unfinished.